insert append hint 对INDEX的影响

一般向一个表插入数据时,为了提速用到append 提示,但有没有想过表上的索引是怎么维护的?

flashback drop table,index is recovery?

For a table to be recoverable using Flashback Drop, it must reside in a locally managed tablespace. Also, tables in the SYSTEM tablespaces cannot recovered using Flashback Drop regardless of the tablespace type.


Transportable tablespace feature introduced since Oracle 10g allowed a tablespace placed in a read only mode to be transported to another database and plugged in. However system and sysaux tablespaces were not transportable

sqlserver base time-point recovery

backup database oa to disk=’d:/oa.bak’
select getdate()
2011-06-30 14:46:36.653

oracle10g online redolog lost(当前日志文件丢失)

Database mounted.
ORA-00313: open failed for members of log group 3 of thread 1
ORA-00312: online log 3 thread 1: ‘/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ORCL/onlinelog/o1_mf_3_5y4dgorl_.log’
ORA-00312: online log 3 thread 1: ‘/u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/onlinelog/o1_mf_3_5y4dgq04_.log’

oracle 10G 不区分大小写 (nls_sort、nls_comp)

ORACLE默认所存的值是取分大小写的,但有些需求想忽略大小写,今天就浅谈一下nls_sort ,nls_comp实现查询忽略大小写查询

oracle 11g index IFS/IFFS

oracle对于全索引的扫描支持两种,一种为index full scan简称IFS,另一种是index fast full scan简称IFFS, 后者带了fast是因为前者是单块有序读,而后者是多块无序读,所以多块读对于全扫来说要快于单块读, 对于两者的区别TOM在OTN上描述如下

, ,

IMP-00046: using FILESIZE value from export

if export specify the FILESIZE parameter,so when you import specify TABLES parameter and you must specify the FILESIZE same ths export filesize too

oracle in (,,)最多多少个枚举项 ORA-01795


oracle cols 查询表字段类型及长度 function


oracle 10r2 透明加密TDE 实战

Transparent Data Encryption透明机密技术是Oracle在10g版本之后推出的数据层加密技术。核心概念是借助外置于数据库的加密文件,对数据表列乃至表空间等多层次进行加密。这种技术对存储在数据库中的敏感信息,提供了简单可靠的安全防护解决方案,像透明网关一样透明无需手动加密解密

ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel

anbob@ORCL> select * from testap;
select * from testap
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel

linux tar、xargs对目录下多个文件分别批量打包压缩(原)

如果一个目录下有很多文件,现在对所有文件分别压缩打包,tar 文件名还为原文件名.tar.gz,用for 当然可以实现,但用管道符可不可以呢?可以

不配tnsnames dblink的简单创建方法

有时创建dblink ,而又只有数据库用户,没办法配置操作系统的tnsnames.ora,就可以以这种方法创建,信息存进数据库,缺点是后期改连接信息,只能删了重建

in, not in (null)

今天有人提起了 in 与not in 的数据集里如果有null 值的情况下返回数据,not in的怪现象,其实这不是not in 的bug,在sqlserver,mysql,oracle都一样

oracle HA,RAC,DG,GG


Oracle/PLSQL: Convert 函数

Oracle/PLSQL, the convert function converts a string from one character set to another.

The syntax of the convert function is:

9i merge的限制

今天 有网友在说9i merge用法的问题,我小测了一下,感觉区别还是蛮大的

C:\>sqlplus anbob/anbob@



oracle initrans and maxtrans

In earlier releases of Oracle Database, the MAXTRANS parameter limited the number of transaction entries that could concurrently use data in a data block. This parameter has been deprecated.