与AMM ,ASMM相关的几个视图

其中V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS 、V$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS两个可以看出内存设置的抖动情况,如果系统频繁的更改大小,看来资源比较紧张,就不适合A了。

sql performance truning ,hint,parallel,10053 trace

在两个表的JOIN 中,CBO总是会计算三种JOIN的连接方式的代价,分别为NL JOIN,SM JOIN,HA JOIN,三种JOIN对前后两表的我称呼还不一样,分别是NL JOIN :outer table,inner table,SM :firest table,second table,HA:build table ,probe table,Nested jOIN中的outer table又叫driver table…

oracle 11g dbca 找不到asm diskgroup的解决办法

昨天在家里的本本虚拟机里配置11G R2 RAC时,GI安装正常,db soft 安装正常,查看资源asm 磁盘也正常,GI是用的GRID 用户及用ASMLIB配置的ASM DISKGROUP.但到最后一步用ORACLE用户DBCA建库时,在储存选择ASM,无法找到ASMDISKGROUP?

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impdp 与 imp区别

今天问到了这个问题:impdp 如果不导入权限?看了下impdp参数没有了grants选项,看了些文档发现还是除了data dump 必需要在服务端执行个参数上还是有一定区别的

crs 安装时The specified shared raw partition /dev/raw/raw1 may not have correct permission

“The specified shared raw partition /dev/raw/raw1 may not have correct permission”

SCN fast increase by database link(scn增长因DB_LINK)

alert日志中伴随着warning Rejected the attempt to advance SCN over limit

还原data block dumps实际值

转储了oracle block的值,如何得到它真正表中的值,也算 是dump(val,16)的逆运算,只含char,number,date

index block dump

b-tree indexes are an important access path structure in database and file systems
key property: each possible search path has the same length.

oracle index block splits

index是一个逻辑有顺序的结构并非物理存储block上排序,它总是可以把每个键值有顺序的逻辑排放,索引的高度总是平衡的,并且index leaf block就像一个双向链表,在index leaf block上会记录前一块的地址和后一块的地址,这样在index range scan 是就可以很方便的横向扫描..


oracle 消除块竞争(hot blocks)

SELECT p1 “file#”, p2 “block#”, p3 “class#”
FROM v$session_wait
WHERE event = ‘read by other session’;

oracle high load案例及AWR分析过程

Begin Snap: 18125 20-Apr-12 11:01:00 337 1.0
End Snap: 18126 20-Apr-12 12:00:28 490 1.0
Elapsed: 59.46 (mins)
DB Time: 12,979.44 (mins)

ssh 端口转发 助TOAD,PL/SQL DEV窗口程序连接不能直接访问的数据库

SecureCRT ssh 端口转发功能

toad—>—ssh –>web server—ssh—>db server:1521

in version 10.2 oracle does not support quota on temporary tablespaces,ora-30041

如果在10gr1及以前的版本,在temp tablespace设quota是可以的,但真正的不应该在temp 上设限额,本身就是一个bug,在10gr2中被修复,所以10gr2及以后的版本不在允许

Initializing the Oracle ASMLib driver: [FAILED] on RHEL5.1 asmlib安装详情

Start Oracle ASM library driver on boot (y/n) [n]: y
Scan for Oracle ASM disks on boot (y/n) [y]:
Writing Oracle ASM library driver configuration: done
Initializing the Oracle ASMLib driver: [FAILED]
log:modprobe: FATAL: Module oracleasm not found.


sql script: 找出stale statistics的对象

Using the code below one can find the tables/indexes that have stale statistics in a schema, when options=>’GATHER AUTO’ is used oracle gathers statistics analyzes the tables/indexes that have stale statistics.

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exp EXP-00056 ora-00932 导出异常

[oracle@dev-db backup]$ exp icme3/icme3 file=icme3_20120409.dmp
. exporting sequence numbers
. exporting cluster definitions
EXP-00056: ORACLE error 932 encountered
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected BLOB, CLOB got CHAR
EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [qcsgpvc3] Bug:7172752

when compile package body,
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [qcsgpvc3], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

truncate empty table ora-02266, why? cause

oracle 不允许truncate 一个启用外键引用的父表,因为truncate 不会触发任何trigger和任何constraint验证,当然它也不会关心子表是不是真的为空或是不是没有参照。


DBMS_SHARED_POOL 是从10.2开始提供的包,可以访问shared_pool中的对象,功能检查大于批定大小的对象,加入/移除shared_pool对象,11.1再完善..

Script: Procedure 启用/禁用表上全部外键
