ORA-00313,ORA-00312,ORA-27037,ORA-19527 DATAGARD 11G r2

Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3
DDE: Problem Key ‘ORA 312’ was flood controlled (0x5) (no incident)
ORA-00312: online log 2 thread 1: ‘/oracle/oradata/icme/redo02.log’
Error 19527 creating/clearing online redo logfile 2

Send email using utl_smtp in Oracle 11g (results in ORA-24247)(11g ACL 网络访问控制列表)

ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL)
ORA-06512: at “SYS.UTL_TCP”, line 17
ORA-06512: at “SYS.UTL_TCP”, line 267

OGG-01028 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle,Table compression is not supported

2013-09-29 10:03:15 ERROR OGG-01028 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, eicmec.prm: Object with object number 81069 is compressed. Table compression is not supported.

Oradebug Security

DEMO 1,How to use oradebug to call OS commands via the database
DEMO 2,Disable sys audit

How to imp job to another schema in same db(同一数据库导入JOB到另外一用户)

ORA-39083: Object type JOB failed to create with error:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYS.I_JOB_JOB) violated

Goldengate source and target table differ in column structure part-2(ogg同步不同的表结构数据)

map icme.test_s, target icme.test_t,

Goldengate source and target table differ in column structure part-1(ogg同步不同的表结构数据)

昨天一朋友问如果用GOLDENGATE同步数据(ETL),如果目标端比源端多出一个时间字段表示最后的修改日期, […]

Dynamically Changing shared_pool_size fail!(动态修改Shared pool size失败)

因安装数据库时启用了ASMM,过了几天发现分配不太理想想禁用ASMM,手动调整shared_pool_size, 这是一个动态参数,修改后立即生效无需重启数据库实例,但修改时遇到了比较奇怪的现象。

Install ZABBIX On Linux 5 监控安装配置(pdf)

•What is zabbix ?
•What can it monitor?
•Structure of ZABBIX and Componentes

Sql Server 2008 简单搭建主从复制

通过将主服务器上备份出来的transaction log 传送到辅助服务器上并进行恢复,实现主从库的同步,有些 […]

ORA-07445 [kggchk()+77] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object]

今天有个项目系统负载突然变大,查到top sql是一个存储过程,执行计划缺少合理的索引,SQL是个update […]

Enabling Listener Trace ,TNS-01251

Enabling Listener Trace ,TNS-01251 Oracle version 11g i […]

export data from 11g and import into 10G R2 ORA-01455

EXP-00008: ORACLE error 1455 encountered
ORA-01455: converting column overflows integer datatype
EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully

Dynamic SQL Supports Statements Length Characters Limit (execute immediate sql长度限制)

有时需要在plsql 写一些动态sql,用execute immediate 或dbms_sql 调 用,但是execute immediate 后动态sql 文本的长度限制是多少呢?

To hold the latch manually, DB hang demo(手动持用latch使数据库hang)

It is widely known that the Oracle server uses kslgetl – Kernel Service Lock Management Get Latch function to acquire the latch,oradebug call kslgetl/kslfre can be used to acquire the latch manually. This is very useful to simulate latch related hangs and contention.

Delete the data on the table very slow(删除数据慢)


Know more about Oracle ASH

《Know More about Oracle AWR》 姐妹篇,oracle 10g引入,ASH 是性能诊断工具,不像sql trace总是默认打开, 保存历史上发生了什么, 提供比AWR更细粒度的数据,即使当系统负载很高时,它也工作的很好,因为使用类似memcopy的数据收集,不会有太大的额外负担,没用任何类型的数据库lock。 Active(‘Active’ == Non-idle sessions) Session History Licensed as part of the Diagnostic pack,

Know More about Oracle AWR


Oracle 12c new feature:OFFSET n FETCH n row-limit

在分页查询或top n中在oracle 之间的版本使用rownum,row_number..,从12c 提供了offset fetch 的语法,其实这个语法不是什么新鲜玩意,在DB2,MSSQL,MYSQL,PostgreSQL之前也都提供的语法。

oracle 12c new feature: moving online datafiles(在线移动数据文件)

在12c以前如果想移动表空间的数据文件首先要offline.再OS mv命令移动离线的数据文件到新路径,Recover datafile[ or tablespace or database] 再Online.从12c 开始可以移动Online 的数据文件了。
