ORA-00600: INTERNAL ERROR CODE, ARGUMENTS: [VOPRVL1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Issues

insert into table “with” subquery Failing with the following internel error.
ORA-600: internal error code, arguments: [voprvl1], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

ora-600 [2663]/[2662] internal error issue

A description for this ORA-600 [2003] error is not yet published. ora-600 2663/2662 is a data block SCN is ahead of the current SCN.

How to enable SQL*Net Tracing with Oracle Instant Client (二)

Dynamic server tracing allows for tracing at a per-process level and can be enabled ad hoc on any running server process. This is useful for tracing individual server side processes of a specific client connection or for tracing background server processes.

ORA-28002 Even If Default Prpfile PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME Has UNLIMITED Limit(用户profile密码生命周期无限制,密码仍然过期锁定的情形)

上周也就是2013年的最后一天,突然客户反应有些WEB应用页面报错只提到了ora-28002, 我立即用sqlplus 登录提示是ora-28001,显然密码已经过期, 我清清楚记的才因为一起类似问题, 前不久把所有的oracle 数据库应用用户profile PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME改为unlimited,怎么还会这样呢?

How to avoid “ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected – got CLOB” when distinct CLOB datatypes.

Large objects (LOBs) are not supported in comparison conditions. However, you can use PL/SQL programs for comparisons on CLOB data.

skgpspawn failed:category = 27143 in alert log

skgpspawn failed:category = 27143, depinfo = 24, op = pipe, loc = skgpspawn2

oracle 12c new feature 隐藏列(invisible columns)

oracle 12c release 1版本引入新功能可隐藏列(invisible columns),这个特性有很多的争议,不明白为什么ORACLE会推出这个特性,因为这个特性可能会带来很多麻烦..

Adaptive Cursor Sharing in 11R2 performance issues(自适应游标共享问题案例)

今天开发的同事找我说是一个报表系统的SQL执行第一次很快,再执行就慢的几乎查询无响应,找他要来了SQL,也是常见的表关连LIFT JOIN 、GROUP BY的统计报表, 出于篇幅原因不再贴SQL, 把SQL放到TOAD 中问题依然可以再现,..


Adaptive Log File Sync In 11gr2 (_use_adaptive_log_file_sync)

Adaptive Log File sync was introduced in 11.2. the feat […]


How to enable SQL*Net Tracing with Oracle Instant Client 11G

Sometimes we need to enable sql*net trace to diagnose sqlplus connection problems such as ora-125*
Below are the steps to configure Sql*Net verbose Client side tracing:

How to get call stack of oracle processes ?

Each time your program performs a function call, information about the call is generated. That information includes the location of the call in your program, the arguments of the call, and the local variables ..


Script: Display the sessions distribution and top 50 idle sessions

This script displays the top 50 longest idle times and list distribution of sessions on the instance..

I prefer the version parse_calls (我比较喜欢parse_calls在11203版本上的显示)

高parse calls表示这些SQL不可以re-used 并且每次执行都要重新解析,理想的最佳状态是一次解析多次执行,你也知道频繁的解析会给library cache带来沉重的负担, 一个sql的执行必须先parse,解析过程包含sql 加载到shared pool, 语法检查…

Logon Storms on 11g ,audit maybe cause performance issue.(当创建很多连接时审计可能带来性能问题)

When multiple connection created will insert a lot of rows in aud$ table, there may be contention in the segment header for the table. This contention can manifest itself as a buffer busy wait or a freelist wait.

jboss 占用高cpu 的诊断思路

top – 14:32:11 up 104 days, 20:27, 1 user, load average […]


alter system set memory_max_target=0 scope=spfile;
shutdown immediate
SQL> show parameter target

memory_max_target big integer 3824M

Logon Storm and Memory shortage issue ORA-07445 dbgtrReserveSpace (记录一次登录风暴致内存不足的问题)

Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object] [ADDR:0x10] [PC:0x938E8C5, dbgtrReserveSpace()+99] [flags: 0x0, count: 1]
Errors in file /oracle/diag/rdbms/ora11g/ora11g/trace/ora11g_ora_13864.trc (incident=60801):
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [dbgtrReserveSpace()+99] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0x10] [PC:0x938E8C5] [Address not mapped to object] []
Incident details in: /oracle/diag/rdbms/ora11g/ora11g/incident/incdir_60801/ora11g_ora_13864_i60801.trc
Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.

SHELL:Find Memory Usage In Linux (统计每个程序内存使用情况)


scn format (scn格式)

scn(system change number) 结构主要维护 oracle数据库内部的数据一致性,SCN 有两部分组成: Base and wrap,wrap 是16bit的数字,base是32bit的数字,这样其实就可以算scn的有效范围,它的格式(redo dump trace)是wrap.base,当base超过了2的32次方,然后wrap 就会加1,其实用sql 很好验证。

SQL Test Case Builder generate test case automatically(自动生成SQL所需测试数据)

Why SQL Test Case Builder? For most SQL problems, the s […]