troubleshooting ORA-600[6302] & ORA-600 [6200] corrupted index block

今天同事的一套数据库遇到了alert 日志 一堆的ora-600,这是一套10.2.0.5 db 2nodes RAC on AIX , 找我帮着看看, 最终确认为一个索引出现了block corrupted 勘误块导致, 重新创建的了索引后解决…


Performance tuning library cache lock & single-task message

My colleague suddenly encountered a problem today,a Database becomes very slow , and the a lot of session wait library cache lock event, Let me help him to look. DB env is rac.

ORA-08104 when online index rebuild

Last night ,The Developers ask me they have creating an index do not use parallel,Unacceptably slow. then kill the session to cancel, but now to face ORA-08104 during trying to online index rebuild . that is a busy product database(7×24). DB version 10205 2nodes rac on hpux.

Troubleshooting ORA-07445 [skgxpdmpmem()+22096]

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [skgxpdmpmem()+22096] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x0002D0B8C] [] []
Sun Dec 21 20:55:43 EAT 2014
Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20141221205543]
Sun Dec 21 20:55:45 EAT 2014
Errors in file /opt/oracle/app/admin/anbob/bdump/anbob1_pmon_13442.trc:
ORA-00484: LMS* process terminated with error

Troubleshooting ORA-00600 internal error [6704], [2], [1405099], [953234]

刚接手一套数据库,数据库执行SQL时提示 ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [6704], [2], [1405099], [953234], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []],下面简单记录一下。

Shell: extract more from listener.log (分析oracle监听日志连接频率)

最近遇到了两起数据库连接数不足的问题, 通常都会预留一些会话增加的情况, 但在一些特殊情况下如连接风暴(logon storm), 如果在监听中没有做rate限流,对数据库来说
巨大的冲击可能会导致数据库Hang 或 ora-20 或ora-18 错误。

hpux psu 遇到的一些小问题

XX电信就是一个急性子,上午决定升级晚上就要实施,下面记录一下HPUX IA64 PSU […]

Unable execute “@”(at) sql file in sqlplus on hp-ux issue

I have a ORACLE db server on hp-ux,  i want to execute […]


Troubleshooting ORA-31693 ORA-31617 ORA-19505 ORA-27037 when expdp with parallel on RAC 11G

ORA-31617: unable to open dump file “/dsg/datapump/ocs02.dmp” for write
ORA-19505: failed to identify file “/dsg/datapump/ocs02.dmp”
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
IBM AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 2: No such file or directory

Troubleshooting ora-600 [18194] and ora-600 [1265] error

Errors in file /opt/oracle/app/admin/anbob/udump/anbob1_ora_10082.trc:
ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [opiodr: call 2], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [18194], [0xC0000002EE1E77E8], [0x000000000], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [1265], [0xC0000002FF7EF3D8], [], [], [], [], [], []


Troubleshooting “DFS lock handle” wait event

a few days ago,My CRM DB face to a performance issue. DB is very slow. then I check DB wait event of active session ,Most sessions is waiting “DFS lock handel” , ‘DFS lock handle’ can cause massive performance issues in a busy RAC cluster. my db is 10R2 2NODE RAC ON AIX.

Troubleshooting Instance crash when modify db_cache_size, ora-600 [kmgs_pre_process_request_6]

昨天一套开发库在开发人员修改了db_cache_size后instance crash了, single instance on RHEL linux,是因为触发了一个bug, ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kmgs_pre_process_request_6], [6], [895], [0], [3], [0x459C1F3D8]


Troubleshooting One RAC node reboot with ora-600 [kjdrisRMnovalid:msgRMno]

今天一套 2节点的11.2.0.3 RAC 数据库计划在0点的维护窗口做一些参数优化,其中包括禁用DRM ,所以在下午提前修改了参数scope=spfile等晚上重启时生效,计划赶不上变化,就在大伙等待0点到来时,突然节点2主机重启,随后节点1跟随instance reboot(主机未重启),在Node1 DB alert.log 发现了ora-600 [kjdrisRMnovalid:msgRMno].


Troubleshooting ora-07445 [smboCkaGetPivot]

Mon Dec 22 09:43:39 EAT 2014
Errors in file /opt/oracle/app/admin/anbob/udump/anbob1_ora_8183.trc:
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [smboCkaGetPivot()+240] [SIGSEGV] [Invalid permissions for mapped object] [0x000000110] [] []


ASM DISKGROUP Migrate to Anotherr SAN (迁移ASM到新存储)

上周刚刚做了ASM Storage的一套13T 2 Nodes 11GR2 database RAC ON A […]

Troubleshooting RAC intrance crash caused by private network IP address conflict (IP冲突)

今天有套rac 的一个节点主机重启,CRS没有启动, 2nodes rac on aix. 手动启动CRS依旧没有拽起来,下面整理一下错误过程… DUPLICATE IP ADDRESS DETECTED IN THE NET

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Troubleshoot ORA-27544,ORA-27300,ORA-27301,ORA-27302,”HPUX-ia64 Error: 23: File table overflow” issue

A product database is 10205 2nodes rac ,our OS is HP-UN […]


Tuning “transaction” & TX lock wait event ,speeding up rollback dead transaction

Yesterday I received a warning and a production db instance found many TX lock and wait event “transaction”, I check the TX lock model is 6, so we can make sure is caused by multiple sessions update the same data, and wait event “transaction” is relatively rare, Here the record about my diagnosis method.

ORA-01135 ORA-01110 check offline tablespace in alert.log

My case is 2 nodes RAC on aix,The previous we do move all objects on a tablespace to new tablespace For reasons of space Fragment, and alter the original tablespace offline. But ORA-01135 ORA-01110 error in the alert.log file I keep seeing the message every 10 minutes


Troubleshooting ORA-01031: Insufficient Privileges issue

1, Login in remote instance using sqlplus as sys when the target db instance password file not exists or file name is wrong.
2, If you try to execute DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT
