index block dump
b-tree indexes are an important access path structure in database and file systems
key property: each possible search path has the same length.
oracle index block splits
index是一个逻辑有顺序的结构并非物理存储block上排序,它总是可以把每个键值有顺序的逻辑排放,索引的高度总是平衡的,并且index leaf block就像一个双向链表,在index leaf block上会记录前一块的地址和后一块的地址,这样在index range scan 是就可以很方便的横向扫描..
Consistent Reads (cr block) (转)
Here’s a quick demo to make a point about consistent reads (prompted by a question on the Oracle-L mailing list):
index monitoring usage 注意了!
当系统中有很多索引或一个表上有很多索引,想找出平时不用的索引drop 掉,因为索引毕竟会给insert/update 等带来负担,于时ORACLE提供了monitoring index的功能, 但有时一些情况会被忽略,正面看我的实验
Troubleshooting wait event :cursor: pin S wait on X
从oracle10g(开始 ,开始启用mutex来替换以前的library cache bin latch,这是一种os级更低层的轻量级锁,但是也不是那么完美,有时会出现events cursor: pin S wait on X
How do you know empty block? dump block
看老白日记中有一个案例提到有一个select from where rownum<10的查询要很长时间,后来做了block dump断定是碎片,但是dump出来的内容是如何判断都是空块的呢?
What is “save undo”?
save undo is undo saved for offlined tablespaces. It is also known as deferred rollback
详解dump block trace file,找出行链接
tab 0, row 0, @0x819
tl: 2061 fb: –H-F–N lb: 0x0 cc: 3
nrid: 0x0180005e.0
col 0: [ 2] c1 02
关于深入shared pool
shared pool 由perm,libary cache,row catch(dictionary catch),reserved area(保留),free area 组成。
HWM 高水位储存位置
Extent Header:: spare1: 0 spare2: 0 #extents: 4 #blocks: 32
last map 0x00000000 #maps: 0 offset: 2716
Highwater:: 0x02400391 ext#: 3 blk#: 8 ext size: 8
oracle10G 深入dual伪表(原)