After remote_listener change to null, frequently getting message ‘* service_update * ‘ in listener.log, pmon spin

一套10.2.0.5 RAC ON HPUX, 前做时间Disable LB 参数调整时把remote_listener=”, 随后几天发现listener.log 空间增速异常的快,当时看了下里面多是service_update的信息, 查看top进程,也发现了pmon 进程一直是top 1,使用 cpu 100%,

Troubleshooting ora-600 [17114] Trace file show current SQL selecting v$session

二个月前一套CRM 的10.2.0.5 rac on hpux 的alert 中发现了ora-600 17114 , 从trace file 中发现是查询v$session, 随后在MOS中找到了bug 导致, call stack 一致,简单记录一下。


ORA-08104 when online index rebuild

Last night ,The Developers ask me they have creating an index do not use parallel,Unacceptably slow. then kill the session to cancel, but now to face ORA-08104 during trying to online index rebuild . that is a busy product database(7×24). DB version 10205 2nodes rac on hpux.

Troubleshooting ORA-07445 [skgxpdmpmem()+22096]

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [skgxpdmpmem()+22096] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x0002D0B8C] [] []
Sun Dec 21 20:55:43 EAT 2014
Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20141221205543]
Sun Dec 21 20:55:45 EAT 2014
Errors in file /opt/oracle/app/admin/anbob/bdump/anbob1_pmon_13442.trc:
ORA-00484: LMS* process terminated with error

Troubleshooting ORA-00600 internal error [6704], [2], [1405099], [953234]

刚接手一套数据库,数据库执行SQL时提示 ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [6704], [2], [1405099], [953234], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []],下面简单记录一下。

Unable execute “@”(at) sql file in sqlplus on hp-ux issue

I have a ORACLE db server on hp-ux,  i want to execute […]


Troubleshooting ORA-31693 ORA-31617 ORA-19505 ORA-27037 when expdp with parallel on RAC 11G

ORA-31617: unable to open dump file “/dsg/datapump/ocs02.dmp” for write
ORA-19505: failed to identify file “/dsg/datapump/ocs02.dmp”
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
IBM AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 2: No such file or directory

Troubleshooting ora-600 [18194] and ora-600 [1265] error

Errors in file /opt/oracle/app/admin/anbob/udump/anbob1_ora_10082.trc:
ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [opiodr: call 2], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [18194], [0xC0000002EE1E77E8], [0x000000000], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [1265], [0xC0000002FF7EF3D8], [], [], [], [], [], []


Troubleshooting Instance crash when modify db_cache_size, ora-600 [kmgs_pre_process_request_6]

昨天一套开发库在开发人员修改了db_cache_size后instance crash了, single instance on RHEL linux,是因为触发了一个bug, ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kmgs_pre_process_request_6], [6], [895], [0], [3], [0x459C1F3D8]


Troubleshooting One RAC node reboot with ora-600 [kjdrisRMnovalid:msgRMno]

今天一套 2节点的11.2.0.3 RAC 数据库计划在0点的维护窗口做一些参数优化,其中包括禁用DRM ,所以在下午提前修改了参数scope=spfile等晚上重启时生效,计划赶不上变化,就在大伙等待0点到来时,突然节点2主机重启,随后节点1跟随instance reboot(主机未重启),在Node1 DB alert.log 发现了ora-600 [kjdrisRMnovalid:msgRMno].


Troubleshooting ora-07445 [smboCkaGetPivot]

Mon Dec 22 09:43:39 EAT 2014
Errors in file /opt/oracle/app/admin/anbob/udump/anbob1_ora_8183.trc:
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [smboCkaGetPivot()+240] [SIGSEGV] [Invalid permissions for mapped object] [0x000000110] [] []


Troubleshooting RAC intrance crash caused by private network IP address conflict (IP冲突)

今天有套rac 的一个节点主机重启,CRS没有启动, 2nodes rac on aix. 手动启动CRS依旧没有拽起来,下面整理一下错误过程… DUPLICATE IP ADDRESS DETECTED IN THE NET

, ,

Troubleshoot ORA-27544,ORA-27300,ORA-27301,ORA-27302,”HPUX-ia64 Error: 23: File table overflow” issue

A product database is 10205 2nodes rac ,our OS is HP-UN […]


ORA-01135 ORA-01110 check offline tablespace in alert.log

My case is 2 nodes RAC on aix,The previous we do move all objects on a tablespace to new tablespace For reasons of space Fragment, and alter the original tablespace offline. But ORA-01135 ORA-01110 error in the alert.log file I keep seeing the message every 10 minutes


Troubleshooting ORA-01031: Insufficient Privileges issue

1, Login in remote instance using sqlplus as sys when the target db instance password file not exists or file name is wrong.
2, If you try to execute DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT


Exp-00003 no storage definition found issue in oracle 11g (未找到段 (0,0) 的存储定义)

. 正在导出表 ANBOB_CREDIT导出了 6 行
EXP-00003: no storage definition found for segment (0, 0)
. . 正在导出表 ANBOB_MODEL导出了 1 行
. . 正在导出表 ANBOB_FILE

Add ORACLE Listener Fail or ORA-125XX, Don’t forget “Run as Administrator”(以管理员身份运行) on windows7/8

She had with installation of Oracle 11R2 on Windows 8 (64-bit). The issues I faced The errors can’t connect database using Listener Service.and can’t to add new listener.

Export terminates with ORA-00600 [ksuloget2]

. . exported “ANBOB”.”ANBOB_PROJECT_SCORE” 3.931 GB 46241981 rows
. . exported “ANBOB”.”T1″
EXP-00056 Oracle error 600 encountered
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBDD104], [0xFEBCEE54], [500], [0xFEBDD128], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
. . exported “ANBOB”.”T2″

The segment header block corrupted cause ORA-08103 issue (段头坏块导致ora-8103)

节前有个网友向我咨询他们的生产库遇到了ora-8103,错误的block 是 SEGMENT HEADER BLOCK, 不可以简单通过rowid 跳过, 也不能像修改data block corruption 那样通过bbed 修改块为 corrupted 然后通过 dbms_repair.skip_corrupt_blocks 跳过该块, 该segment header block上都没有extent 信息(如extent map\HWM)…

Identifying Shared Memory Segments for multiple database(Disable AMM) 标识某实例的共享内存段ID

有时oracle 实例异常终止,会导致oracle process killed,但是实例之前所分配的shared memory segments没有release, 而此时登录提示no login,而且本机还有其它实例在用无法kill 所有…