Script: Oracle Table/Tablespace/DB Growth Prediction(预测表/表空间/库增长)
Some scripts for showing the growth of tablespaces over time periods. to show the starting tablespace size and the end tablespace size, computing the tablespace growth for the time period.
move rdbms from local file(no-ASM) to ASM instance
one asm instance can support multiple rdbms instances,and it is possible to run more than one asm instance to which the rdbms instance could connect,this potential many-to-many relationship btween the instance types is resolved by the cluster services.
about modify unique constraint
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-02299: cannot validate (ICME.UK_PROJECT_SCORE) – duplicate keys found
noarchive model,迁tablespace从ASM到Local files fs
利用rman 可以方便的把datafile,tablespace,database在本地文件系统和ASM之间转换
oracle Memory Management 改进
Automatic Memory Management (AMM) 在ORACLE 11g中被引入,这是从OS级别内存管理的重大改变,回顾ORACLE的版本更新历程,内存管理也在逐步的更新
how to disable/enable index?
DISABLE applies only to a function-based index. This clause lets you disable the use of a function-based index.
impdp 与 imp区别
今天问到了这个问题:impdp 如果不导入权限?看了下impdp参数没有了grants选项,看了些文档发现还是除了data dump 必需要在服务端执行个参数上还是有一定区别的
ssh 端口转发 助TOAD,PL/SQL DEV窗口程序连接不能直接访问的数据库
SecureCRT ssh 端口转发功能
toad—>—ssh –>web server—ssh—>db server:1521
DBMS_SHARED_POOL 是从10.2开始提供的包,可以访问shared_pool中的对象,功能检查大于批定大小的对象,加入/移除shared_pool对象,11.1再完善..
oracle cluster tables 聚簇表
PGA 一点认识
操作已加载到内存中的数据时所需要的工作区域,这块内存区对于每个服务器进程都是私有的,不允许其它进程或线程的访问,PGA 一般是通过C 语言在运行时调用malloc() 和memmap() 来分配的,运行时可以动态的扩大,在8i后甚至可以动态的收缩,…
dbms_scheduler 指定时间段 job 一例
dbms_scheduler 是从10g开始用来替换dbms_job,它除了调用procedure还可能调用os命令或无名pl/sql块,而且在调用上更灵活,下面一例
sqlplus -prelim option
Main purpose of preliminary connection is to access database structures ( SGA ) in case when normal connection does not work so you can collect dumps and hunganalyze information which will be used for troubleshooting and determining cause of your hung
How to change a DBMS job owned by another user as user sys?
sqlplus copy 跨网段迁移数据
从生产库取一张表或一个查询结果集到本地测试库中,而且生产库与测试库无法直接连接,那就不再考虑dblink,不用exp,expdp, 有没有其它方法呢?
oracle RDA 4.20 初体验
RDA 全名RemoteDiagnostic Agent,是oracle用来收集、分析数据库的工具,但统计信息远远大于只是数据库的,也可以说是现在一个oracle dba 角色需要掌握的ORACLE DB SERVER的信息,包含数据库安装、配置、性能、备份等信息、操作系统…
have recyclebin objects tablespace can be drop?
开启了recycle功能,删除的表会放到recyclebin中除sys,system,储存在对象原所在表空间,除了外键约束外,表的其它表附加对象还可以闪回,但如果一个表空间中的所有对象都已在recyclebin中,该表空间可以删除么?需要INCLUDING CONTENTS么?