openGauss系 Wrong Result bug select (*) 与 select * 不同记录
今天在客户一套库发现了个bug, select count(*) 与select *明细记录数不一致, 环境mogdb 508, 前者使用index only scan, 后者是index scan , 这种情况在oracle有时也能遇到,通常是索引条目与table条目不一致,如因为lost write导致,可以drop 并create index重建索引恢复,但是opengauss中还是第一次,在postgresql中控制记录的除了table, index还有可见性的vm,简单记录一下该问题。
诊断一起存储链路引起的数据库性能问题案例 ORA-32701 and krsv_proc_kill: Killing 1 processes (Process by index) in alert
前几日一套库出现在性能问题,虽然最终问题不在数据库, 但是记录一下希望遇到同样问题时可以节约你的时间 ,这是11.2.0.3 RAC 2nodes on hpux (EMC存储), 问题是从16:40左右起中间件偶尔有瞬间的业务积压, 积压时数据库大多数会话都是简单的insert同一表数据
troubleshooting ORA-600[6302] & ORA-600 [6200] corrupted index block
今天同事的一套数据库遇到了alert 日志 一堆的ora-600,这是一套10.2.0.5 db 2nodes RAC on AIX , 找我帮着看看, 最终确认为一个索引出现了block corrupted 勘误块导致, 重新创建的了索引后解决…
Troubleshooting ora-600 [18194] and ora-600 [1265] error
Errors in file /opt/oracle/app/admin/anbob/udump/anbob1_ora_10082.trc:
ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [opiodr: call 2], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [18194], [0xC0000002EE1E77E8], [0x000000000], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [1265], [0xC0000002FF7EF3D8], [], [], [], [], [], []
Troubleshooting Instance crash when modify db_cache_size, ora-600 [kmgs_pre_process_request_6]
昨天一套开发库在开发人员修改了db_cache_size后instance crash了, single instance on RHEL linux,是因为触发了一个bug, ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kmgs_pre_process_request_6], [6], [895], [0], [3], [0x459C1F3D8]
Troubleshooting ora-07445 [smboCkaGetPivot]
Mon Dec 22 09:43:39 EAT 2014
Errors in file /opt/oracle/app/admin/anbob/udump/anbob1_ora_8183.trc:
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [smboCkaGetPivot()+240] [SIGSEGV] [Invalid permissions for mapped object] [0x000000110] [] []
Troubleshooting RAC intrance crash caused by private network IP address conflict (IP冲突)
今天有套rac 的一个节点主机重启,CRS没有启动, 2nodes rac on aix. 手动启动CRS依旧没有拽起来,下面整理一下错误过程… DUPLICATE IP ADDRESS DETECTED IN THE NET
Troubleshoot ORA-27544,ORA-27300,ORA-27301,ORA-27302,”HPUX-ia64 Error: 23: File table overflow” issue
A product database is 10205 2nodes rac ,our OS is HP-UN […]
ORA-01135 ORA-01110 check offline tablespace in alert.log
My case is 2 nodes RAC on aix,The previous we do move all objects on a tablespace to new tablespace For reasons of space Fragment, and alter the original tablespace offline. But ORA-01135 ORA-01110 error in the alert.log file I keep seeing the message every 10 minutes
Troubleshooting ORA-01031: Insufficient Privileges issue
1, Login in remote instance using sqlplus as sys when the target db instance password file not exists or file name is wrong.
2, If you try to execute DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT
IMPDP hangs, session wait “wait for unread message on broadcast channel”
昨晚有个朋友说加班在IMPDP数据, 在导入中途突然没有了进展,挂在那里不动了,impdp 窗口也没有报错, 一直等了1个多小时,说是impdp使用了parallel,怀疑是parallel参数出了问题, 最终其实原因很简单。这里只是简单的描述遇到这类问题时的处理思路。
ora-942 or ora-1775 or PLS-00201 When using a database link in a stored procedure
有一个procedure中一段SQL用到了synynom,而synonym指向一个dblink所对应的表,其中是两个子查询做了full join,在procedure 编译时提示ORA-00942: table or view does not exist,而把那段plsql 查询语句块拿出来,做为单条SQL执行时完全正常且有返回结果…
The filter pushed in subquery issue in oracle 11G (filter推进子查询)
注意上面的4# 计划 的fileter 部分, 这就是问题的根源。了解SQL的执行步骤应该清楚在sql parse阶段CBO会帮我们做sql查询转换生成高效的执行计划, 在本案例我们想把TO_NUMBER(“S”.”SCORE”)<60 的条件放到子查询返回的结果集后再过滤, 结果CBO错误把此条件提前和该字段的其它条件一并执行..
Install Oracle 12c on Windows [INS-30131] Failed to access the temporary location(无法访问临时位置)
A Question in QQ group get ins-30131 error when install oracle database 12c today, following error
[INS-30131] Initial setup required for the execution of installer validations failed
ORACLE data block corrupted ORA-01578&ORA-01110, Rman backup fails with ORA-19566 error.
In the case ,the corrupted block was a index segment
ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 47, block # 49)
ORA-01110: data file 47: ‘/dev/rdb…’
Rman backup fails with ORA-19566 error
To add datafiles in ASM hit ORA-01119 ORA-17502 ORA-15041 after add new ASMDISKs to ASMDISKGROUP
A friend asked me ,they add new disk to a ASM diskgroup. Disks were added successfully. But when tried alter tablespace add new datafile using the diskgroup one the disks were recently added, they got “ora-01119” and “ORA-17502″,”ORA-15041” errors during add new datafile.
Drop temp tablespace command hang in oracle 11g R2
昨天DB 磁盘空间预警空间不足,发现临时表空间扩展的非常之大,于是规划调整临时表空间换个磁盘路径,本来online switch temp tablespace 并不难,结果还是遇到小问题..
PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type When using “execute immediate” dynamic SQL statement
——– —————————————————————–
59/5 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
59/23 PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
Exp Error exp-56 ORA-24324 and ora-7445 in alert When shared pool is very small
EXP-00056: ORACLE error 24324 encountered
ORA-24324: service handle not initialized
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kgghstfel()+15] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object]