BBED simulates and fixes ORA-08102 error (Oracle 19c) (二)

方法一使用了bbed修改 index key的方法, 因为表列上只有这一个索引,所以只改一个索引就可以。这里还使用相同的方法模拟ora-8102,使用第二种方法,删除bootstrap$中的index I_OBJ4 记录解决。


BBED simulates and fixes ORA-08102 error (Oracle 19c)

Sometimes due to sudden power failure and other reasons, the database data dictionary is inconsistent, such as hits ora-8102, the indexes key and the table key value does not match, often delete the index, rebuild the index can be resolved, but if the object_id <60 bootstrap$ internal The index is damaged, and the normal situation needs to be backed up and restored, because some of the indexes in these bootstrap $ cannot be rebuilt by setting event 38003
