隐藏问题: Oracle 11g存在index full scan替代index fast full scan的低效执行计划
在Oracle数据库中,索引是提高查询性能的关键工具之一。通过使用索引,数据库可以快速地定位和检索数据,从而加快查询速度并降低系统资源消耗。在索引扫描过程中,有两种主要的方法:索引快速全扫描(Index Fast Full Scan)和索引全扫描(Index Full Scan)。然而,在某些情况下,数据库可能会出现错误的执行计划,选择索引全扫描而不是预期的索引快速全扫描,导致性能下降和资源浪费。该类问题可能不容易发现,仅是SQL性能差,或主要的等待事件为db file sequential read.
How to find full table scan SQL in Oracle,MySQL,Postgresql ?(数据库比较系列五)
Queries that do “full table scan” are the ones that don’t use indexes. However, it is more suitable to use a full table scan for small tables, and it will not cause performance problems. Or when the data on the large table is seriously skewed and a large proportion of data records need to be returned, a full table scan will also be better than an index scan.