How to delete SYS.KUPC$ service after kill datapump job

本11.2.0.4 2-nodes RAC, 现象是service_name 参数出现了一些SYS.KUPC$ 的service, 监听上同样有,且停节点1 ,service会漂到节点2, 重启双实例后同样存在, 手动修改service_name可以临时解决,但是重启实例还是会存在,虽然是新增service, 监听上看着乱,其它没什么影响, 这类服务常见于datapump 自动增加的…

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11.2 impdp ORA-31693 ORA-29913 ORA-27163 when the table has xmltype column

ORA-31693: Failed to load / unload the data object table “ANBOB” “SDTEMPETL” object is ignored because of the error.:
ORA-29913: error in executing the call ODCIEXTTABLEFETCH
ORA-27163: insufficient memory(内存不足)
