
在 OceanBase 数据库中,主备副本(Replica)的概念对于理解和优化查询性能非常重要。OceanBase 作为一个分布式数据库系统,通过多副本机制来保证数据的高可用性和容错性。每个数据分区(Partition)都有一个或多个副本,其中一个是主副本(Leader),其他为备副本(Follower)。本篇讨论如何确认某张表的leader 节点?如异常时无leader节点什么原因?


在 OceanBase 数据库中, “Queuing”表指在应用程序或特定业务场景中用于实现队列功能的表。因为OB是LSM Tree分级存储,默认设置下,一张表中删除的行在 OB 每日合并前并不是真的删除,而只是在内存里打了个删除标记,OB major freeze/merge期间才会真正处理为删除。而频繁的堆积”mark for delete”记录,之前的一些如全表扫描的执行计划会出现逐渐变慢问题。


TiDB SQL运行失败tidb_mem_quota_query limit

Your query has been cancelled due to exceeding the allowed memory limit for a single SQL query. Please try narrowing your query scope or increase the tidb_mem_quota_query limit and try again



今天朋友问如果truncate table如何在postgresql中恢复?另外还有drop , delete删除数据类操作,除了使用常规备份恢复,如果在oracle恢复有flashback query, recyclebin, 或在数据文件中的block补覆盖前抽取如基于rowid抽或DUL类工具扫描datafile , 在PostgreSQL开源软件中似乎只有备份恢复,那有没有其他手段呢?

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How to reduce space of the largest object (table system.logmnr_restart_ckpt$)in System Tablespace

Today, I noticed that the customer’s system tablespace usage is quite large, currently around 3.5TB. The largest object is the system.Logmnr_restart_ckpt$ table, which is already close to 2TB in size. The next largest is the aud$unified table used for unified auditing. In my blog yesterday 《Know more about Unified Auditing in Oracle 19c》

Know more about Unified Auditing in Oracle 19c

Today, a customer encountered a database issue in an Oracle 19c 4-node RAC environment on an Oracle Exadata machine. The database is experiencing a high number of active sessions—thousands in total—indicating waits for ‘enq: hw contention’ and ‘enq: tx contention.’ The blocked business session is executing the SQL statement “insert into AUD$UNIFIED…,” related to unified auditing of the database




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How to diagnose slow performance or long execution times with Oracle Data Pump (expdp)?

You can easily track the duration of each export/import operation by directing the export/import job to write timestamps to the logfile using the LOGTIME parameter. For more details, refer to Expdp/Impdp LOGTIME.

However, simply having this information alone is often insufficient, even if you know there was a version or operating system change. What’s really needed to diagnose or analyze performance is concrete data—and that’s where the METRICS and LOGTIME parameters come in handy.


Troubleshooting ‘local write wait’ wait event during Truncate table

I have seen problems with Local Write Wait in the Oracle database, normal tables in the databases were being used for temporary working storage before that data was then written to another table. The content of the working storage tables was then cleared out by periodically truncating them.