Oracle 18.3 hidden undocumented parameter list

here is all of the Oracle 18c 18.3 on-premises hidden u […]

Troubleshoot CRS stop fail, ora.asm resource “UNKNOWN”state

前几日朋友一套CRS停不下来,RAC版本是11.2.0.4, 停在关闭ASM阶段, 手动尝试了停资源也不成功,使用-f选项一样失败, 查看ora.asm资源当前是UNKNOWN状态.


Troubleshoot DDL递归SQL触发的row cache lock deadlock(死锁)

两个同时启动的JOB, truncate 了不同的对象DDL, 递归触发了DDL trigger的审计操作,在insert DDL日志表时,遇到了回收站空间再利用,再次递归触发了drop table BIN$ purge, 又属于DDL操作, 并且申请的回收站对象的row cache enqueue时,在2个跨实例会话互相等待对方持有对象lock造成死锁

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Troubleshooting Wait event “inactive Transaction Branch”

the wait event “inactive transaction branch” are related to externally coordinated transaction branches, typically from XA clients.
A wait on this event typically means that the XA client/s have asked different sessions to work on the same transaction branch concurrently.