Leap Second (闰秒) 在ORACLE环境的影响
因为我国是东八时区(UTC+8),所以我国将在北京时间2017年1月1日的7时59分59秒也会做闰秒调整和全球同步,到时会出现7:59:60的特殊现象。对时间敏感的系统不可忽略,除了航天系统,我们的数据库系统应该也要做好检查, 润秒有可能会使OS Reboot,应用HANG, Clusterware restart影响.
Shell: To delete listener log file contains text and xml format (自动清理监听日志)
整理的一个清理Oracle数据库监听日志的脚本,可以部署到监听进程的owner用户的crontab中(RAC通常是grid, 单实例通常是oracle), 实现的是监听日志大于1GB时,归档监听日志文本格式的文件如listener.log ,自动压缩保存, 后期循环自动覆盖, 11G 引入的ADR, XML格式的文件19c前也无法自动清理,这个shell 目前是自动rm 7前天的, 关于19c 的日志自动清理后期会分享
Shell: extract more from listener.log (分析oracle监听日志连接频率)
最近遇到了两起数据库连接数不足的问题, 通常都会预留一些会话增加的情况, 但在一些特殊情况下如连接风暴(logon storm), 如果在监听中没有做rate限流,对数据库来说
巨大的冲击可能会导致数据库Hang 或 ora-20 或ora-18 错误。
Unable execute “@”(at) sql file in sqlplus on hp-ux issue
I have a ORACLE db server on hp-ux, i want to execute […]
How to use the MegaCLI Utility with your RAID Controller on your DELL PowerEdge Server in Linux. (在linux监控RAID信息)
The MegaRAID Storage Manager includes both GUI (MSM) and The megacli tool is used for managing the controller via the command-line interface, text based tools (MegaCLI) to monitor and manage the disk array.
Shell script to backup MySQL database(备份MySQL 脚本)
this is shell script to backup mysql database, using mysqldump to dump all databases into separate files, and encrypt backup file using zip password option, Generate a collective file using tar, ftp to ftp server, to send email to DBA .
Build the BBED utility in ORACLE 11G on linux
Oracle has the BBED utility (block browser and editor) is is all releases of Oracle, from Oracle7 to Oracle10g,In Oracle 11g, BBED becomes unavailable but if you search in the ins_rdbms.mk makefile,…
AWR Formatter (一个不错的AWR报告格式化google chrome 插件)
一个不错的oracle AWR 报告本地文件格式化chrome浏览器插件,看似用js完成,有一些特性非常不错, […]
How to used the gdb (GNU Debugger) Collecting Hanganalyze and Systemstate Dumps on Linux systems(操作系统收集hanganalyze和systemstate)
Prior to 10g you can use a unix debugger like gdb, adb or dbx to attach to a shadow process and dump the system state using the function ksudss which is the subroutine in the Oracle source code which does the same.
How to get call stack of oracle processes ?
Each time your program performs a function call, information about the call is generated. That information includes the location of the call in your program, the arguments of the call, and the local variables ..
SHELL:Find Memory Usage In Linux (统计每个程序内存使用情况)
Install ZABBIX On Linux 5 监控安装配置(pdf)
•What is zabbix ?
•What can it monitor?
•Structure of ZABBIX and Componentes
script:purge ADR file
[oracle@db231 ~]$ ./adr_purge
INFO: Purge started at Thu May 16 07:35:32 CST 2013
INFO: adrci purge started at Thu May 16 07:35:32 CST 2013
INFO: adrci purging diagnostic destination diag/tnslsnr/db231/listener
INFO: purging ALERT older than 90 days …
INFO: purging INCIDENT older than 30 days …
How TO Kill and Logout users in pts/* Linux
In Linux, PTS stands for Pseudo Terminal Slave. PTS refers to a user currently logged in to your terminal using an SSH or telnet connection.
Bonding Network Interfaces on LINUX5
The Linux bonding driver provides a method for aggregating multiple network interfaces into a single logical bonded interface.
Check goldengate replicate Availability (检查OGG REPLICATE)
通过检查replicate进程确认OGG REPLICATE进程是否存活shell
How To send email From a shell on linux
usually,we do not want to setup an email serve,but just want to send an email from a Linux Shell script easily when got any alert or exptions.then let’s know what happend with the event on the Host,then to solve this problem.