oracle 11g r2 新建空表不分配semgent
11g r2默认是使用segment creation deferred建立,新建的无记录表不分配sement,当insert 第一条记录时分配段空间,不会因truncate而回收,并且在sys schema里不支持
虚拟机linux RHEL5 RAW 配置 ORACLE ASM instance
ASM 管理表明了oracle 进军存储的矛头,oracle 内核把文件系统与卷管理的垂直整合,数据分配到所有的磁盘分布存储,自动负载均衡,随着数据的爆增与磁盘无限的增加、大量的文件名给ORACLE数据库管理带来了挑战,为了减轻你的任务,它诞生了,就是ASM…
Tuning enq: TM – contention with foreign key (外键引起的队列)
通常会发生此事件的等待,因为包含外键约束的列上缺少索引。 在这种情况下,Oracle在DELETE,INSERT和UPDATE语句期间被迫在子表上获取TM锁。..
oracle 批量插入photo(图片)到数据库blob
虚拟机ORACLE10G Data Guard(DG) Physical Standby Database
今天小测了一下10g的physical DG,参考首选官方文档
dgsource :
oracle password file(口令文件) 文件名格式重要性
今天测试dg,用sys +tnsnames 中指定别名文件远程服务怎么也连不上,ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
查看oracle10g官方文档没发现这个格式问题(可能是我大意了),orapwd file的格式是有限制的,
oracle11g Expdp COMPRESSION(数据泵压缩增强)
oracle11g add default values columns(增加默认值列的改进)
oracle 11G 对 现有表增加指定默认值列方式发生了很大变化,无论是存储方式上,还是效率上,下面看一个简单的实验
BLOB select、insert、exp with sqlplus
SQL> create table testblob(id int,comm blob);
Table created.
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
ORA-06512: at “WMSYS.WM_CONCAT_IMPL”, line 30
DML error capture (捕获DML错误日志)
[oracle@orazhang ~]$ sqlplus anbob/anbob
fast delete, Best practice on Very large table
Today I read foreign blog,I think I learned the true knowledge
One of most operations we are performing is “Deleting many rows from oracle big tables” ;
maxrows number default 1000;
row_id_table dbms_sql.Urowid_Table;
currcount_table dbms_sql.number_Table;
cursor cur_t2 is….
trigger一点儿小发现new or :new、ORA-04091
If you delete the line “FOR EACH ROW” from the trigger, it becomes a statement trigger which is not subject to this restriction, and the trigger.