ora-942 or ora-1775 or PLS-00201 When using a database link in a stored procedure

有一个procedure中一段SQL用到了synynom,而synonym指向一个dblink所对应的表,其中是两个子查询做了full join,在procedure 编译时提示ORA-00942: table or view does not exist,而把那段plsql 查询语句块拿出来,做为单条SQL执行时完全正常且有返回结果…

oracle 12c new feature: RESOURCE role without unlimited tablespace

If you are grant privilege to new account like this “grant connect, resource to username”, as you know from 11g the role “Connect” only have “create session” privilege , but now in 12c ,the role “Resource” privilege had changed too.

SQL join problem caused by Low cardinality with Histogram(柱状图产生的过低Card.导致表join性能问题)(二)

接上一篇 http://www.anbob.com/archives/2323.html 下面我们从统计信息入 […]

SQL join problem caused by Low cardinality with Histogram(柱状图产生的过低Card.导致表join性能问题)(一)

当CBO产生的Cardinality过低,尤其是在表之间关连时,往往会差之毫厘差之千里,甚至影响表之间的join方式,注意下MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN部分,这里使用了一种NL style的MJ,..

The filter pushed in subquery issue in oracle 11G (filter推进子查询)

注意上面的4# 计划 的fileter 部分, 这就是问题的根源。了解SQL的执行步骤应该清楚在sql parse阶段CBO会帮我们做sql查询转换生成高效的执行计划, 在本案例我们想把TO_NUMBER(“S”.”SCORE”)<60 的条件放到子查询返回的结果集后再过滤, 结果CBO错误把此条件提前和该字段的其它条件一并执行..


ORACLE异机表空间基于时间点恢复 (TSPITR) Method(恢复部分表空间)

RMAN Tablespace Point-In-Time Recovery ( TSPITR) enables you to quickly recover one or more tablespaces in an Oracle database to an earlier time, without affecting the state of the rest of the tablespaces and other objects in the database.


ORACLE异机数据库基于时间点的恢复 (DBPITR) Method

DBPITR enables you to recover a database to some time in the past.I will demonstrate below how to do flashback a database to a point in time.

Install Oracle 12c on Windows [INS-30131] Failed to access the temporary location(无法访问临时位置)

A Question in QQ group get ins-30131 error when install oracle database 12c today, following error

[INS-30131] Initial setup required for the execution of installer validations failed

ORACLE data block corrupted ORA-01578&ORA-01110, Rman backup fails with ORA-19566 error.

In the case ,the corrupted block was a index segment
ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 47, block # 49)
ORA-01110: data file 47: ‘/dev/rdb…’
Rman backup fails with ORA-19566 error


To add datafiles in ASM hit ORA-01119 ORA-17502 ORA-15041 after add new ASMDISKs to ASMDISKGROUP

A friend asked me ,they add new disk to a ASM diskgroup. Disks were added successfully. But when tried alter tablespace add new datafile using the diskgroup one the disks were recently added, they got “ora-01119” and “ORA-17502″,”ORA-15041” errors during add new datafile.


Drop temp tablespace command hang in oracle 11g R2

昨天DB 磁盘空间预警空间不足,发现临时表空间扩展的非常之大,于是规划调整临时表空间换个磁盘路径,本来online switch temp tablespace 并不难,结果还是遇到小问题..


How to duplicate or multiplex control files on ASM ?(复制控制文件)

ON single-instance 1, make sure asm diskgroup is avalia […]


Oracle 7到12c 数据库升级路线图

自己画了个从oracle 7及后续版本升级到oracle 12c 的升级路线图。 另存为下载查看效果良好。 & […]

RedHat(RHEL)6 support ASMLIB (RHEL6支持asmlib)

With the annoucement of Oracle’s database support on RHEL6 and OEL6, they have decided to stop making ASMLIB for RHEL compatible kernels. ASMLIB is now only available if you are using Oracle Unbreakable Linux Kernel.But Recent events enabled Red Hat and Oracle to work togethe. Oracle ASMLib availability and support on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.

PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type When using “execute immediate” dynamic SQL statement

——– —————————————————————–
59/5 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
59/23 PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type


Exp Error exp-56 ORA-24324 and ora-7445 in alert When shared pool is very small

EXP-00056: ORACLE error 24324 encountered
ORA-24324: service handle not initialized
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kgghstfel()+15] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object]

Script:List all SQL in the library cache cursor referencing a given table .(列出指定表上所有相关SQL)

PROMPT List all SQL in the library cache cursor referen […]

Recovery Loss Of Datafile For Which No Backup Is Available(恢复没有备份的数据文件)

来模拟一种刚建的表空间,还没来的及备份,数据文件被删除,但archive log 都在时的恢复。 sys@AN […]

Build the BBED utility in ORACLE 11G on linux

Oracle has the BBED utility (block browser and editor) is is all releases of Oracle, from Oracle7 to Oracle10g,In Oracle 11g, BBED becomes unavailable but if you search in the ins_rdbms.mk makefile,…

11G ADG automatic repair corrupt data blocks(ABMR自动坏块修复)测试二

standby site 的ABMR没有成功, 后来是怀疑buffer header中有mrec 的block, 现在我接着测试如果buffer header 中没有此类block,ABMR是否成功?以前用bbed 标记corrupt block的方式, 如果有corrupt block时rman backup 又会怎么样?
