Create Index on TimstmapTZ::date On PostgreSQL
在PostgreSQL中的时间类型较多,如TIME, DATE, INTERVAL, TIMESTAMP,和Timestamp With Timezone(TIMESTAMPTZ) , 而timestamp类型精确度非常高,如date类型是只有年月日,time又只有时间分秒,而timestamp是两者组合,同时可以带时区,如有在些基于postgresql国产数据库中为了兼容sysdate,注意函数的返回精确度,防止数据迁移丢失精度,但有时用户希望使用精度较低,如按日期检索和创建索引时有点有趣。为了说明这一点这里测试一下。
highgo=# create table date_test(event_time timestamp(6) with time zone); CREATE TABLE highgo=# insert into date_test values(now()); INSERT 0 1 highgo=# select * from date_test; event_time ------------------------------- 2024-12-09 11:25:39.046972+08 (1 row) INSERT INTO date_test SELECT ( SELECT '2023-03-01 00:00:00'::timestamptz + (floor(random() * (extract(EPOCH FROM '2023-04-01'::timestamptz) - extract(EPOCH FROM '2023-03-01'::timestamptz)) + b * 0)::integer || 'seconds')::interval ) FROM generate_series(1, 100000) AS a(b); ANALYZE date_test;
Timestamp vs TimstampTZ
The TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMPTZ data types are similar; the only difference is that one includes the time zone information while the other doesn’t.
highgo=# SET timezone = 'America/Los_Angeles'; SET highgo=# SELECT timestamptz '2022-01-01 00:00:00+08'::timestamptz; timestamptz ------------------------ 2021-12-31 08:00:00-08 highgo=# SELECT highgo-# typname, highgo-# typlen highgo-# FROM highgo-# pg_type highgo-# WHERE highgo-# typname ~ '^timestamp'; typname | typlen -------------+-------- timestamp | 8 timestamptz | 8 (2 rows) 有时应用返回数据是带时区,而表定义不带,可能会导致数据报错,可以修改表定义,也可以创建cast create cast (pg_catalog.timestamptz as timestamp) with inout as implicit;
如有时我们需要要查某一天的数据,而数据类型是timestampTZ, 一种做法是创建默认索引,然后写SQL 范围区间;或者是创建一个转换数据库date的索引;或创建一个date_trunc函数索引;
1, 范围查询
highgo=# CREATE INDEX i_date_test_nyc_2 on date_test(event_time); CREATE INDEX highgo=# explain (verbose,buffers) select count(*) from date_test where event_time='2023-03-09'; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate (cost=4.31..4.32 rows=1 width=8) Output: count(*) -> Index Only Scan using i_date_test_nyc_2 on public.date_test (cost=0.29..4.31 rows=1 width=0) Output: event_time Index Cond: (date_test.event_time = '2023-03-09 00:00:00+08'::timestamp with time zone) Planning: Buffers: shared hit=15 read=1 I/O Timings: read=0.050 (8 rows) highgo=# explain (verbose,buffers) select count(*) from date_test where event_time=to_timestamp('2023-03-09','yyyy-mm-dd'); QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate (cost=4.32..4.33 rows=1 width=8) Output: count(*) -> Index Only Scan using i_date_test_nyc_2 on public.date_test (cost=0.29..4.31 rows=1 width=0) Output: event_time Index Cond: (date_test.event_time = to_timestamp('2023-03-09'::text, 'yyyy-mm-dd'::text)) (5 rows) highgo=# explain (buffers,costs off,verbose) select count(*) from date_test where event_time>=to_date('2023-03-09','yyyy-mm-dd') and event_time<to_date('2023-03-10','yyyy-mm-dd'); QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate Output: count(*) -> Index Only Scan using i_date_test_nyc_2 on public.date_test Output: event_time Index Cond: ((date_test.event_time >= to_date('2023-03-09'::text, 'yyyy-mm-dd'::text)) AND (date_test.event_time < to_date('2023-03-10'::text, 'yyyy-mm-dd'::text))) (5 rows)
2. timestamptz::date index
初始的按日期索引方法可能是在 timestamp 列上创建一个索引,强制转换为 date:
highgo=# CREATE INDEX i_date_test ON date_test ((event_time::date)); ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE
因为具有不同时区值的会话可能会访问索引。使用 如果当前会话的 Timezone 值被具有不同 TimeZone 值的 Session 使用,则会产生不正确的结果,因此无法创建此类索引。(查询可用时区从pg_timezone_names) ,一种解决方案是 创建具有特定时区的索引:
highgo=# CREATE INDEX i_date_test_nyc ON date_test (((event_time AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Shanghai')::date));
highgo=# explain (verbose,buffers) select count(*) from date_test where event_time=to_timestamp('2023-03-09','yyyy-mm-dd')::date; --wrong query QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate (cost=2193.02..2193.03 rows=1 width=8) Output: count(*) -> Seq Scan on public.date_test (cost=0.00..2193.02 rows=1 width=0) Output: event_time Filter: (date_test.event_time = (to_timestamp('2023-03-09'::text, 'yyyy-mm-dd'::text))::date) (5 rows) highgo=# explain (verbose,buffers) select count(*) from date_test where (event_time AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Shanghai')::date='2023-03-09'; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate (cost=482.25..482.26 rows=1 width=8) Output: count(*) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on public.date_test (cost=8.17..481.00 rows=500 width=0) Recheck Cond: (((date_test.event_time AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Shanghai'::text))::date = '2023-03-09'::date) -> Bitmap Index Scan on i_date_test_nyc (cost=0.00..8.04 rows=500 width=0) Index Cond: (((date_test.event_time AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Shanghai'::text))::date = '2023-03-09'::date) Planning: Buffers: shared hit=11 (8 rows) highgo=# explain (verbose,buffers,costs off) select count(*) from date_test where (event_time AT TIME ZONE 'America/New_York')::date='2023-03-09'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate Output: count(*) -> Seq Scan on public.date_test Output: event_time Filter: (((date_test.event_time AT TIME ZONE 'America/New_York'::text))::date = '2023-03-09'::date) (5 rows)
3,date_trunc 函数索引
highgo=# CREATE INDEX i_date_test_trunc ON date_test ((date_trunc('day', event_time))); ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE highgo=# \df+ date_trunc List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | Volatility | Parallel | Owner | Security | Access privileges | Language | Sou Description ------------+------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+------+------------+----------+-------+----------+-------------------+----------+--------- --------------------------------------------- pg_catalog | date_trunc | interval | text, interval | func | immutable | safe | hg | invoker | | internal | interval units pg_catalog | date_trunc | timestamp without time zone | text, timestamp without time zone | func | immutable | safe | hg | invoker | | internal | timestam units pg_catalog | date_trunc | timestamp with time zone | text, timestamp with time zone | func | stable | safe | hg | invoker | | internal | timestam ne to specified units pg_catalog | date_trunc | timestamp with time zone | text, timestamp with time zone, text | func | stable | safe | hg | invoker | | internal | timestam ne to specified units in specified time zone (4 rows)
查看PostgreSQL 函数
postgres=# \df+ date_trunc List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | Volatility | Parallel | Owner | Security | Access privileges | Language | I nternal name | Description ------------+------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+------+------------+----------+----------+----------+-------------------+----------+------ ------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pg_catalog | date_trunc | interval | text, interval | func | immutable | safe | postgres | invoker | | internal | inter val_trunc | truncate interval to specified units pg_catalog | date_trunc | timestamp with time zone | text, timestamp with time zone | func | stable | safe | postgres | invoker | | internal | times tamptz_trunc | truncate timestamp with time zone to specified units pg_catalog | date_trunc | timestamp with time zone | text, timestamp with time zone, text | func | immutable | safe | postgres | invoker | | internal | times tamptz_trunc_zone | truncate timestamp with time zone to specified units in specified time zone pg_catalog | date_trunc | timestamp without time zone | text, timestamp without time zone | func | immutable | safe | postgres | invoker | | internal | times tamp_trunc | truncate timestamp to specified units (4 rows) postgres=# select version(); version --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQL 17.0 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-36), 64-bit (1 row) -- kingbase kingbase=# \df+ date_trunc List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | Volatility | Parallel | Owner | Security | Access privileges | Language | So Description ------------+------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+------+------------+----------+--------+----------+-------------------+----------+-------- ---------------------------------------------- pg_catalog | date_trunc | pg_catalog.interval | text, pg_catalog.interval | func | immutable | safe | system | invoker | | internal | interva units pg_catalog | date_trunc | timestamp without time zone | text, timestamp without time zone | func | immutable | safe | system | invoker | | internal | timesta d units pg_catalog | date_trunc | timestamp with time zone | text, timestamp with time zone | func | stable | safe | system | invoker | | internal | timesta one to specified units pg_catalog | date_trunc | timestamp with time zone | text, timestamp with time zone, text | func | stable | safe | system | invoker | | internal | timesta one to specified units in specified time zone sys | date_trunc | dsinterval | text, dsinterval | func | immutable | safe | system | invoker | | internal | orainte ed units sys | date_trunc | yminterval | text, yminterval | func | immutable | safe | system | invoker | | internal | orainte ed units (6 rows)
参考Postgresql修改(text, timestamp with time zone, text)稳定
highgo=# alter function date_trunc(text, timestamp with time zone, text) immutable; ALTER FUNCTION highgo=# CREATE INDEX i_date_test_trunc ON date_test ((date_trunc('day', event_time,'Asia/Shanghai'))); CREATE INDEX highgo=# explain verbose select count(*) from date_test where date_trunc('day', event_time, 'America/New_York') = '2023-03-09'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aggregate (cost=1944.26..1944.27 rows=1 width=8) Output: count(*) -> Seq Scan on public.date_test (cost=0.00..1943.01 rows=500 width=0) Output: event_time Filter: (date_trunc('day'::text, date_test.event_time, 'America/New_York'::text) = '2023-03-09 00:00:00+08'::timestamp with time zone) (5 rows) highgo=# explain verbose select count(*) from date_test where date_trunc('day', event_time, 'Asia/Shanghai') = '2023-03-09'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate (cost=481.00..481.01 rows=1 width=8) Output: count(*) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on public.date_test (cost=8.17..479.75 rows=500 width=0) Recheck Cond: (date_trunc('day'::text, date_test.event_time, 'Asia/Shanghai'::text) = '2023-03-09 00:00:00+08'::timestamp with time zone) -> Bitmap Index Scan on i_date_test_trunc (cost=0.00..8.04 rows=500 width=0) Index Cond: (date_trunc('day'::text, date_test.event_time, 'Asia/Shanghai'::text) = '2023-03-09 00:00:00+08'::timestamp with time zone) (6 rows)
我们通过创建具有时区规范的 date 索引、具有时区规范的 date_trunc() 以及具有查询中使用的范围的 timestamp 来显示索引时间戳值。
- date索引强制转换:仅日期粒度,固定到时区
- date_trunc():固定到粒度和时区
- 时间戳索引:不限颗粒度,灵活的时区