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Troubleshooting Oracle 12.1 ‘enq: TC – contention’ wait event and related issues

Recently, a customer’s Oracle database RMAN backup job failed. When doing a full backup, it took a long time to complete. After checking the database, it was found that the backup process was waiting for ‘enq: TC – contention’. The environment was Oracle 12.1 2-nodes RAC. I would like to record this problem.

Check wait event

SQL> @ace

USERNAME          SID EVENT                MACHINE    MODULE               STATUS         et       SEQ# SQL_ID          WAI_SECINW ROW_WAIT_OBJ# SQLTEXT                        BS          CH# OSUSER     HEX
---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- -------------------- ------- --------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ------------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ----------
SYS               287 enq: TC - contention anbob1     backup incr datafile ACTIVE      21383        480                 0:21382               -1                                1:3196          oracle
SYS              6477 enq: TC - contention anbob1     backup incr datafile ACTIVE      39592        483                 0:39592               -1                                1:3196          oracle
SYS              9028 enq: TC - contention anbob1     backup incr datafile ACTIVE      84355        360                 0:84355               -1                                1:3196          oracle
SYS              2925 enq: TC - contention anbob1     backup incr datafile ACTIVE      95563        368                 0:95562               -1                                1:3196          oracle
SYS              5770 enq: TC - contention anbob1     backup incr datafile ACTIVE     596167        363                 0:596167              -1                                1:3196          oracle

blocking session instance 1 sid 3196, and these waited session longest waw blocked 596167 seconds.

Blocking session

SQL> select sid,username,machine,event,STATUS,PROGRAM,last_call_et ,blocking_session from v$session where sid=3196;
       SID USERNAME   MACHINE    EVENT                STATUS  PROGRAM                                 et BLOCKING_SESSION
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ------- -------------------------------- --------- ----------------
      3196            anbob1     rdbms ipc message    ACTIVE  oracle@anbob1 (CKPT)              27248883

The blockings session CKPT(checkpoint background process)

What is enq: TC – contention?

sys@ORA19C 22:30:19> @sed "tc "
Show wait event descriptions matching tc ..

EVENT# EVENT_NAME                   WAIT_CLASS           PARAMETER1                PARAMETER2                PARAMETER3                ENQUEUE_NAME                   REQ_REASON     REQ_DESCRIPTION
------ -------------------------- - -------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   777 enq: TC - contention         Other                name|mode                 checkpoint ID             0                         Tablespace Checkpoint          contention     Lock held to guarantee uniqueness of a tablespace checkpoint
   778 enq: TC - contention2        Other                name|mode                 checkpoint ID             0                         Tablespace Checkpoint          contention2    Lock of setup of a unqiue tablespace checkpoint in null mode

tablesapce checkpoint is requested during Full backup.


$ iostat -d 1 5

System configuration: lcpu=128 drives=23 paths=170 vdisks=0

Disks:         % tm_act     Kbps      tps    Kb_read   Kb_wrtn
hdisk1            2.0     136.0       7.0          0       136
hdisk0            2.0     136.0       7.0          0       136
hdisk17           3.0     292.0      93.0          0       292
hdisk10           0.0       0.0       0.0          0         0
hdisk22          99.0     764.0     191.0        424       340
hdisk21           0.0       1.0       3.0          1         0
hdisk20           0.0       1.0       3.0          1         0
Disks:         % tm_act     Kbps      tps    Kb_read   Kb_wrtn
hdisk1            0.0       0.0       0.0          0         0
hdisk0            0.0       0.0       0.0          0         0
hdisk17           2.0     364.0     114.0          0       364
hdisk10           0.0      16.0       1.0         16         0
hdisk22         100.0     788.0     197.0        436       352
hdisk21           0.0       1.0       3.0          1         0

the disk hdisk22 is busy now. but ..IO not hang.

Manual checkpoint

SQL> alter system checkpoint ;

checkpoint work fine

Wait session call stack

SQL> @usid 9028

USERNAME                SID                 AUDSID OSUSER           MACHINE            PROGRAM              SPID             OPID CPID                                                                 SQL_ID           HASH_VALUE   LASTCALL STATUS  SADDR            PADDR            TADDR                            LOGON_TIME
----------------------- -------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------------ -------------------- -------------- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----------- ---------- ------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------------- --------------
SYS                      '9028,39170'   4294967295 oracle           anbob1             (TNS V1-V3)          61604538          895 12387110                                                                                       0      84737 ACTIVE  0700011DB2D65080 0700011DE204B9E0                                  24/10/30 22:40

SQL> oradebug setorapid 895
Oracle pid: 895, Unix process pid: 61604538, image: oracle@mesdb1
SQL> oradebug short_stack;
ksedsts()+712<-ksdxfstk()+44<-ksdxcb()+896<-sspuser()+220<-__sighandler()<-thread_wait()+556<-sskgpwwait()+56<-skgpwwait()+268<-ksliwat()+8212<-kslwaitctx()+764<-kjuscv_wait()+1720<-kjuscv()+2288<-ksipcon()+1340<-ksqcmi()+2964<-ksqcnv()+752<-ksqcov()+112<-kcvgcf()+628<-krbckf()+744<-krbbFileCkpt()+1108<-krbbpcint()+11692<-krbbpc()+4260<-krbibpc()+1688<-pevm_icd_call_common()+460<-pfrinstr_ICAL()+136<-pfrrun_no_tool()+92<-pfrrun()+4940<-plsql_run()+752<-pricar()+556<-pricbr()+600<-prient2()+1212<-prient()+2212<-kkxrpc()+1140<-kporpc()+392<-opiodr()+948<-ttcpip()+844<-opitsk()+8740<-opiino()+2968<-opiodr()+948<-opidrv()+1044<-sou2o()+240<-opimai_real()+448<-ssthrdmain()+452<-main()+208<-__start()+112 SQL> oradebug short_stack;
ksedsts()+712<-ksdxfstk()+44<-ksdxcb()+896<-sspuser()+220<-__sighandler()<-thread_wait()+556<-sskgpwwait()+56<-skgpwwait()+268<-ksliwat()+8212<-kslwaitctx()+764<-kjuscv_wait()+1720<-kjuscv()+2288<-ksipcon()+1340<-ksqcmi()+2964<-ksqcnv()+752<-ksqcov()+112<-kcvgcf()+628<-krbckf()+744<-krbbFileCkpt()+1108<-krbbpcint()+11692<-krbbpc()+4260<-krbibpc()+1688<-pevm_icd_call_common()+460<-pfrinstr_ICAL()+136<-pfrrun_no_tool()+92<-pfrrun()+4940<-plsql_run()+752<-pricar()+556<-pricbr()+600<-prient2()+1212<-prient()+2212<-kkxrpc()+1140<-kporpc()+392<-opiodr()+948<-ttcpip()+844<-opitsk()+8740<-opiino()+2968<-opiodr()+948<-opidrv()+1044<-sou2o()+240<-opimai_real()+448<-ssthrdmain()+452<-main()+208<-__start()+112 SQL> oradebug short_stack;

kjuscv_wait()+1720             kernel lock management global enqueue service synchronous convert a lock  [partial hit for: kjuscv ] 
kjuscv()+2288                  kernel lock management global enqueue service synchronous convert a lock 
ksipcon()+1340                 kernel service instance locking IPC convert a group lock 
ksqcmi()+2964                  kernel service enqueue change lock mode internal 
ksqcnv()+752                   kernel service enqueue convert an enqueue's mode 
ksqcov()+112                   kernel service enqueue convert an enqueue's mode 
kcvgcf()+628                   kernel cache recovery  [partial hit for: kcv ] 
krbckf()+744                   kernel redo backup/restore controlfile  [partial hit for: krbc ] 
krbbFileCkpt()+1108            kernel redo backup/restore creation of a backuppiece  [partial hit for: krbb ] 
krbbpcint()+11692              kernel redo backup/restore creation of a backuppiece piece create  [partial hit for: krbbpc ] 
krbbpc()+4260                  kernel redo backup/restore creation of a backuppiece piece create 
krbibpc()+1688                 kernel redo backup/restore dbms_backup_restore package DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE.KRBIBPC BACKUPPIECECREATE 
pevm_icd_call_common()+460     PLSQL code execution virtual machine  [partial hit for: pevm ] 
pfrinstr_ICAL()+136            PLSQL interpeter runtime instruction?  [partial hit for: pfrinstr ] 

Find bugs

Rman Backup on Hangs on Enq: TC – Contention (Doc ID 2379088.1)
Bug 26951406 – CKPT STUCK ,BLOCKING RMAN BACKUPS Closed as Duplicate of Unpublished BUG 27679641.
As a Workaround you can set the following parameters

 ALTER SYSTEM SET db_lost_write_protect='TYPICAL' SCOPE=BOTH;

However, this parameter will enable lost write protection and increase the size of the archive log. In addition, although the memory level can be changed, production must be restarted. For RAC, rolling restart is possible.

DB Alert log
— no error but repeat print the below message

Tracing is auto disabled for DB Writer: 7 at ts: 1730383269
Tracing is auto disabled for DB Writer: 5 at ts: 1730383269
Tracing is auto disabled for DB Writer: 15 at ts: 1730383269
Tracing is auto disabled for DB Writer: 10 at ts: 1730383269
Tracing is auto disabled for DB Writer: 1 at ts: 1730383269
Tracing is auto disabled for DB Writer: 12 at ts: 1730383269
Tracing is auto disabled for DB Writer: 0 at ts: 1730383269
Tracing is auto disabled for DB Writer: 2 at ts: 1730383269
Tracing is auto disabled for DB Writer: 4 at ts: 1730383269
Tracing is auto disabled for DB Writer: 13 at ts: 1730383269
Tracing is auto disabled for DB Writer: 14 at ts: 1730383269
Tracing is auto disabled for DB Writer: 8 at ts: 1730383269
Tracing is auto disabled for DB Writer: 6 at ts: 1730383269
Tracing is auto disabled for DB Writer: 9 at ts: 1730383269
Tracing is auto enabled for DB Writer: 8 at ts: 1730383269


Set the following
SQL> alter system set "_dbwr_stall_write_detection_interval" = 0;
- Workaround is valid only when too much dbwr tracing starting with string "stall_write_check:"
- other relevant underscore parameter that can also auto enable dbwr tracing is "_dbwr_nowrite_tracing_interval"

db_lost_write_protect Parameter

SQL> show parameter lost

NAME                                 TYPE                   VALUE
------------------------------------ ---------------------- ------------------------------
db_lost_write_protect                string                 NONE

 ALTER SYSTEM SET db_lost_write_protect='TYPICAL' SCOPE=BOTH;
-- restart instance

Start fail instance with ORA-29707 _lm_use_tx_tsn

SQL>shutdown immeidate
ORA-29707: inconsistent value 0 for initialization parameter _lm_use_tx_tsn with other instances

$ srvctl start instance -d anbob -i p1anbob1
PRCR-1013 : Failed to start resource ora.anbob.db
PRCR-1064 : Failed to start resource ora.anbob.db on node anbob1
CRS-5017: The resource action "ora.anbob.db start" encountered the following error: 
ORA-29707: inconsistent value 0 for initialization parameter _lm_use_tx_tsn with other instances
. For details refer to "(:CLSN00107:)" in "/oracle/app/gridbase/diag/crs/anbob1/crs/trace/crsd_oraagent_oracle.trc".

DB parameter was adjusted before, but it was not restarted. This parameter does not support rolling restart. You need to roll back the configuration of the relevant parameters before. like “_gc_undo_affinity” “_gc_policy_time” “undo_management” “_lm_drm_disable”

the case is “_lm_drm_disable=7” modified To disable DRM not restart, Reset parameter on surviving node.

SQL> alter system reset "_lm_drm_disable";

— work fine.

