首页 » PostgreSQL/GaussDB » 脚本:用于分析PostgreSQL lock trees(堵塞树) 的查询
脚本:用于分析PostgreSQL lock trees(堵塞树) 的查询
在数据库中分析系统中的锁等待非常重要, 在oracle中有大量的脚本,在Postgresql中也需要积累一些工具, 可以快速分析锁等待, 这里推荐几个好用的脚本。
Egor Rogov 对 在postgrespro分享PostgreSQL 的工作原理进行了全面而深入的解释,文章非常的优秀,推荐拜读。
当涉及到锁监控和故障排除时,首先您可以从以下 PostgreSQL Wiki 页面收集的基本查询开始:
- Bertrand Drouvot 的“PostgreSQL 中的活动会话历史,分享了递归 CTE 查询
,这对使用 pgsentinel 扩展的人很有用,该查询的灵感来自同样是我敬仰的大神Tanel Poder 的 Oracle 脚本。 - Victor Yegorov基于
如locktree.sql在kingbase也可以查询 kingbase-# ts_age | change_age | datname | usename | client_addr | pid | state | lvl | blocked | query -----------------+-----------------+---------+---------+-------------+-------+--------+-----+---------+--------------------------------- 00:01:22.000000 | 00:01:19.000000 | test | system | | 19784 | idletx | 0 | 1 | select * from t1 for update; 00:00:21.000000 | 00:00:21.000000 | test | system | | 27559 | active | 1 | 0 | . select * from t1 for update; (2 rows)
从 PostgreSQL 9.6 开始引入pg_blocking_pids 可以更方便查询,但是不建议频繁查询,和oracle的v$lock一样有额外的锁消耗。Postgresql文档记录:
PostgreSQL 14 中添加了另一项改进,在pg_locks中增加了waitstart
Nikolay Samokhvalov增强查询如下
\timing on set statement_timeout to '100ms'; with recursive activity as ( select pg_blocking_pids(pid) blocked_by, *, age(clock_timestamp(), xact_start)::interval(0) as tx_age, -- "pg_locks.waitstart" – PG14+ only; for older versions: age(clock_timestamp(), state_change) as wait_age age(clock_timestamp(), (select max(l.waitstart) from pg_locks l where a.pid = l.pid))::interval(0) as wait_age from pg_stat_activity a where state is distinct from 'idle' ), blockers as ( select array_agg(distinct c order by c) as pids from ( select unnest(blocked_by) from activity ) as dt(c) ), tree as ( select activity.*, 1 as level, activity.pid as top_blocker_pid, array[activity.pid] as path, array[activity.pid]::int[] as all_blockers_above from activity, blockers where array[pid] <@ blockers.pids and blocked_by = '{}'::int[] union all select activity.*, tree.level + 1 as level, tree.top_blocker_pid, path || array[activity.pid] as path, tree.all_blockers_above || array_agg(activity.pid) over () as all_blockers_above from activity, tree where not array[activity.pid] <@ tree.all_blockers_above and activity.blocked_by <> '{}'::int[] and activity.blocked_by <@ tree.all_blockers_above ) select pid, blocked_by, case when wait_event_type <> 'Lock' then replace(state, 'idle in transaction', 'idletx') else 'waiting' end as state, wait_event_type || ':' || wait_event as wait, wait_age, tx_age, to_char(age(backend_xid), 'FM999,999,999,990') as xid_age, to_char(2147483647 - age(backend_xmin), 'FM999,999,999,990') as xmin_ttf, datname, usename, (select count(distinct t1.pid) from tree t1 where array[tree.pid] <@ t1.path and t1.pid <> tree.pid) as blkd, format( '%s %s%s', lpad('[' || pid::text || ']', 9, ' '), repeat('.', level - 1) || case when level > 1 then ' ' end, left(query, 1000) ) as query from tree order by top_blocker_pid, level, pid \watch 10 pid | blocked_by | state | wait | wait_age | tx_age | xid_age | xmin_ttf | datname | usename | blkd | query ---------+-----------------+---------+--------------------+----------+----------+---------+---------------+----------+----------+------+--------------------------------------------------------- 641449 | {} | idletx | Client:ClientRead | | 00:01:23 | 4 | | test | nik | 4 | [641449] update table1 set id = id; 641586 | {641449} | waiting | Lock:transactionid | 00:01:12 | 00:01:12 | 3 | 2,147,483,637 | test | nik | 3 | [641586] . delete from table1 ; 641594 | {641586,641449} | waiting | Lock:relation | 00:00:53 | 00:00:53 | 2 | 2,147,483,637 | test | nik | 2 | [641594] .. alter table table1 add column data jsonb; 641588 | {641594} | waiting | Lock:relation | 00:00:49 | 00:00:49 | | 2,147,483,637 | test | nik | 0 | [641588] ... select * from table1 where id = 1; 641590 | {641594} | waiting | Lock:relation | 00:00:45 | 00:00:45 | | 2,147,483,637 | test | nik | 0 | [641590] ... select * from table1; 641667 | {} | idletx | Client:ClientRead | | 00:00:39 | 1 | | test | nik | 1 | [641667] drop table table2; 641669 | {641667} | waiting | Lock:relation | 00:00:23 | 00:00:23 | | 2,147,483,637 | test | nik | 0 | [641669] . select * from table2; (7 rows)
— enjoy —