分分钟安装体验Oracle 23ai,SQL*Plus细致入微的创新
最近有朋友在问Oracle 23ai 如何下载和体验,这篇简单的分享,在 Oracle 23ai 版本的安装过程中,可以体验到一系列令人振奋的新特性和功能。从下载安装到启动运行,整个过程简单而顺畅,展现了 Oracle 在技术创新和用户体验方面的不断进步。让我们一起探索 Oracle 23ai 版本带来的全新体验,感受其为开发者和企业带来的价值和便利。您网络如果没有瓶颈,几分钟就可以安装部署一套oracle 23ai, 小试一下sqlplus客户端的微创新。
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自动打开一个html,在桌面上的文件,显示了当前数据库的oracle home ,sid, 链接方式,监听端口等。
root, oracle及数据库内的sys,system密码全是oracle。
注意 默认创建了一个叫FREEPDB1的pdb.
1, sqlplus / as sysdba 无法直接登录?
[oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu May 9 14:09:13 2024 Version Copyright (c) 1982, 2024, Oracle. All rights reserved. ERROR: ORA-01017: invalid credential or not authorized; logon denied Help: https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-01017/
[oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus sys/oracle as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu May 9 14:12:52 2024 Version Copyright (c) 1982, 2024, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 23ai Free Release - Develop, Learn, and Run for Free Version SQL> show pdbs CON_ID CON_NAME OPEN MODE RESTRICTED ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 3 FREEPDB1 READ WRITE NO
[oracle@localhost ~]$ unset TWO_TASK -- 自带的环境变量配置文件在 ~/.bashrc [oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu May 9 14:11:07 2024 Version Copyright (c) 1982, 2024, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 23ai Free Release - Develop, Learn, and Run for Free Version SQL> show pdbs CON_ID CON_NAME OPEN MODE RESTRICTED ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 2 PDB$SEED READ ONLY NO 3 FREEPDB1 READ WRITE NO
2, ora-1017错误message变了
在写《OB不建议模仿ORACLE的错误》那篇时,也有提到oracle在相同的ora-code ,但message后期的版本在逐渐变的更友好。
19c ora-1017
oracle@ora19c1:/home/oracle $oerr ora 1017
01017, 00000, "invalid username/password; logon denied"
// *Cause:
// *Action:
23ai ora-1017
[oracle@localhost ~]$ oerr ora 1017 01017, 00000, "invalid credential or not authorized; logon denied" // *Cause: An invalid credential was provided when accessing the Oracle // Database or you were not authorized to access this database. // *Action: Depending on your authentication method, ensure that the correct // credential is provided when logging in to Oracle Database. // Retry your credential after checking it. If your credential is // correct, you may not be authorized to access the database. // You will need to contact your database administrator or // identity management administrator to confirm that you are // authorized to access the database. SQL> oerr ora 1017 Message: "invalid credential or not authorized; logon denied" Help: https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-01017/ Cause: An invalid credential was provided when accessing the Oracle Database or you were not authorized to access this database. Action: Depending on your authentication method, ensure that the correct credential is provided when logging in to Oracle Database. Retry your credential after checking it. If your credential is correct, you may not be authorized to access the database. You will need to contact your database administrator or identity management administrator to confirm that you are authorized to access the database. SQL> oerr ora-1017 Message: "invalid credential or not authorized; logon denied" Help: https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-01017/ Cause: An invalid credential was provided when accessing the Oracle Database or you were not authorized to access this database. Action: Depending on your authentication method, ensure that the correct credential is provided when logging in to Oracle Database. Retry your credential after checking it. If your credential is correct, you may not be authorized to access the database. You will need to contact your database administrator or identity management administrator to confirm that you are authorized to access the database.
注意这里的message变化较大,另外注意,oerr可以在sqlplus 中直接调用。 实际使用help 命令也可以
SQL> help ora 1017
Message: "invalid credential or not authorized; logon denied"
Help: https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-01017/
Cause: An invalid credential was provided when accessing the Oracle
Database or you were not authorized to access this database.
Action: Depending on your authentication method, ensure that the correct
credential is provided when logging in to Oracle Database.
Retry your credential after checking it. If your credential is
correct, you may not be authorized to access the database.
You will need to contact your database administrator or
identity management administrator to confirm that you are
authorized to access the database.
3, oracle error help 提示更加丰富
SQL> help ora 1 Message: "unique constraint (%s.%s) violated on table %s.%s columns (%s)" Help: https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-00001/ Cause: An UPDATE, INSERT or MERGE statement attempted to update or create a record that duplicated values limited by a unique constraint. A unique constraint can be implemented as an explicit unique constraint, a unique index, or a primary key. Consider the case where a table has a unique constraint on columns FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME. Because of this constraint, it is not possible to insert a row containing values of FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME that are identical to the values of these columns in an existing table row. Action: Determine what type of unique constraint was violated (explicit unique constraint, unique index, or primary key), and which table columns are affected by this unique constraint. Then choose whether to change the constraint to allow duplicate values; modify the SQL statement to no longer create a duplicate value; or drop the constraint, unique index, or primary key. Params: 1) constraint_schema: The schema name where the constraint resides. 2) constraint_name: The name of the constraint. 3) table_schema: The schema name for the table affected by this constraint. 4) table_name: The name of the table affected by this constraint. 5) column_names: The column names affected by this constraint. Info: **Note:** Further details about the violating column values are provided with the parameter `ERROR_MESSAGE_DETAILS=ON`. This parameter is `ON` by default. If it is currently `OFF`, you can turn this parameter `ON` using the `ALTER SESSION SET ERROR_MESSAGE_DETAILS=ON` statement. The following examples describe how to identify the table name and table columns of the violated unique constraint. This query returns `CONSTRAINT` or `INDEX` to identify whether an index or constraint generated the exception. For example: ``` SELECT 'CONSTRAINT' object_type FROM all_constraints WHERE owner = '' AND constraint_name = '' UNION SELECT 'INDEX' object_type FROM all_indexes WHERE owner = '' AND index_name = ''; ``` If the constraint or index query returns `CONSTRAINT`, this query finds the table columns affected by the violated unique constraint. For example: ``` SELECT column_name, table_name FROM all_cons_columns WHERE owner = '' AND constraint_name = ''; ``` If the constraint or index query returns `INDEX`, this query finds the table columns affected by the violated unique index (or primary key). For example: ``` SELECT column_name, table_owner, table_name FROM all_ind_columns WHERE index_owner = '' AND index_name = ''; ``` For example: ``` ORA-00001: unique constraint (SCOTT.UNIQUE_VALUES) violated ``` The following query determines whether the violated constraint is an explicit constraint or index. For example: ``` SELECT 'CONSTRAINT' object_type FROM all_constraints WHERE owner = 'SCOTT' AND constraint_name = 'UNIQUE_VALUES' UNION SELECT 'INDEX' object_type FROM all_indexes WHERE owner = 'SCOTT' AND index_name = 'UNIQUE_VALUES'; ```
ora-1错误 在过去11g 就很简单的几行说明,现在变成了一篇样例,我还以为看错了。关闭sqlplus的errordetail功能可以使用SET ERRORDETAILS OFF。
4, sqlplus ping
[oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus --help
SQL*Plus: Release - Production
Copyright (c) 1982, 2024, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Use SQL*Plus to execute SQL, PL/SQL and SQL*Plus statements.
Usage 1: sqlplus -H | -V is: [-C ] [-F] [-L] [-M ""] [-NOLOGINTIME]
[-P ] [-R ] [-S]
-C Sets the compatibility of affected commands to the
version specified by . The version has
the form "x.y[.z]". For example, -C 10.2.0
-P Pings the listener associated with the provided
connect identifier and exits SQL*Plus.
[oracle@localhost dbhomeFree]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin [oracle@localhost admin]$ cat tnsnames.ora # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: /opt/oracle/product/23ai/dbhomeFree/network/admin/tnsnames.ora # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. FREE = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = FREE) ) ) LISTENER_FREE = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)) FREEPDB1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = FREEPDB1) ) ) anbob1= (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = anbob1) ) ) [oracle@localhost admin]$ sqlplus -P freepdb1 Local Net Naming configuration file: /opt/oracle/product/23ai/dbhomeFree/network/admin/tnsnames.ora Attempting to contact: (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = FREEPDB1))) Ok (1.134 msec) [oracle@localhost admin]$ sqlplus sys/oracle@freepdb1 as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu May 9 14:29:43 2024 Version Copyright (c) 1982, 2024, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 23ai Free Release - Develop, Learn, and Run for Free Version SQL> ping Ok (0.310 msec) --复用了tcp connection SQL> ping anbob1 Local Net Naming configuration file: /opt/oracle/product/23ai/dbhomeFree/network/admin/tnsnames.ora Attempting to contact: (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = anbob1))) Ok (0.486 msec) SQL>
上面我使用了vi 打开tnsnames.ora,有没有更简单的呢?有,在sqlplus中使用show connection 就可以。
SQL> show conn nets
Local Net Naming configuration file: /opt/oracle/product/23ai/dbhomeFree/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
SQL> show conn nets anbob1
Local Net Naming configuration file: /opt/oracle/product/23ai/dbhomeFree/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
6, config
对于tnsnames.ora链接,还提供了一个新方式用于OCI Object storage和Azuer app
SQL> config
SP2-0306: Invalid option.
Help: https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/sp2-0306/
Generating config store JSON for Local Net Naming configuration file /opt/oracle/product/23ai/dbhomeFree/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
"anbob1": {
"connect_descriptor": "(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = anbob1)))"
"FREE": {
"connect_descriptor": "(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = FREE)))"
"connect_descriptor": "(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))"
"connect_descriptor": "(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = FREEPDB1)))"
7, 支持表、列注释annotations
Annotations提供了一种注释功能。比过去的comment更加灵活, more here
SQL> CREATE TABLE employee ( id NUMBER(5) ANNOTATIONS(Identity, Display 'Employee ID', "Group" 'Emp_Info'), ename VARCHAR2(50) ANNOTATIONS(Display 'Employee Name', "Group" 'Emp_Info'), sal NUMBER ANNOTATIONS(Display 'Employee Salary', UI_Hidden) ) ANNOTATIONS (Display 'Employee Table'); Table created. SQL> desc employee Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- ID NUMBER(5) ENAME VARCHAR2(50) SAL NUMBER SQL> set describe annotation on SQL> desc employee Table Annotations (Key: Value) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISPLAY: Employee Table Name Null? Type Annotations (Key: Value) --------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ID NUMBER(5) IDENTITY: DISPLAY: Employee ID Group: Emp_Info ENAME VARCHAR2(50) DISPLAY: Employee Name Group: Emp_Info SAL NUMBER DISPLAY: Employee Salary UI_HIDDEN:
8, 创建vector向量表
SQL> create table anbob_vec_table (v64 vector(3, float64));
Table created.
SQL> desc anbob_vec_table
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
SQL> insert into anbob_vec_table values('[1,2,3.1]');
1 row created.
SQL> select * from anbob_vec_table;
官方文档 同时支持 打包下载。从https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/index.html 可以找到 Download.
oracle 23ai 从安装流畅体验到资料文档和安装介质免费公开下载,仅客户端工具的功能丰富程度,国产库数据库厂家不知如何感想?
— enjoy —