首页 » ORACLE 9i-23ai » Troubleshooting Start HAS fail “Operating System function: opendir failed with error data: 2 error location: scrsearch1”
Troubleshooting Start HAS fail “Operating System function: opendir failed with error data: 2 error location: scrsearch1”
一套Oracle 11G standalone环境数据库文件在ASM中,几年没有重启的老系统,操作系统重启后,启动HAS服务失败, 提示如下错误:
as root
# /u01/app/ start has CLSU-00100: Operating System function: opendir failed with error data: 2 CLSU-00101: Operating System error message: No such file or directory CLSU-00103: error location: scrsearch1 CLSU-00104: additional error information: cant open scr home dir scls_scr_getval CRS-4000: Command Start failed, or completed with errors.
检查 init.ohasd
# grep ohasd /etc/inittab h1:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.ohasd run >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null # ps -ef| grep init.ohasd | grep -v grep -- 进程存在, 如果未启动 nohup ./init.ohasd run &
# hostname # cat /etc/hostname # hostnamectl --static # ls -l /etc/oracle/scls_scr/ # cat /etc/hosts
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network # hostnamectl set-hostname
启动HAS 服务正常, 如果alert提示alert日志提示TIMED OUT WAITING FOR OHASD MONITOR 重启OS.