How to Change in SQL Prompt format in Oracle , MySQL, PostgreSQL(数据库比较系列七)
像UNIX的PS1环境变量可以改变shell操作提示符, 在日常工作环境中可以提升一些效率可以防止一些误操作, 很多年前在看tom关于在练习oracle操作前的一些环境配置像login.sql, 比起”SQL >”还可以显示当前的用户或数据库名很是欣喜, 下面记录Oracle , MySQL, PostgreSQL三个主流数据库改变命令行提示符的方法。
— Oracle
sqlplus中执行set sqlprompt或增加到logoin.sql/global.sql脚本中自动触发
col ver new_value ver col host new_value host col inst new_value inst set termout off select substr(version,1,instr(version,'.',1,4)) ver, upper(instance_name) inst, substr(host_name,1,instr(host_name,'.',1,1) - 1) host from v$instance; set termout on --set sqlprompt "&&ver&&_USER@&&_CONNECT_IDENTIFIER SQL> " set sqlprompt "&&ver&&_USER@&&host/&&inst SQL> " set linesize 500 pagesize 2000 timi on alter session set max_dump_file_size = unlimited; -- or -- col "_myprompt" new_value myprompt set termout off select chr(27)||'[31m'|| substr('&_USER@&_CONNECT_IDENTIFIER'||rtrim(' &_PRIVILEGE')||'/'|| trunc(&_O_RELEASE/100000000) || '.' || mod(trunc(&_O_RELEASE/1000000),100) || '.' || mod(trunc(&_O_RELEASE/10000),100) || '.' || mod(trunc(&_O_RELEASE/100),100), 1, 36) ||chr(27)||'[m'||chr(10)||'SQL> ' "_myprompt" from dual; set termout on set sqlp "&myprompt" SQL> @login Session altered. Elapsed: 00:00:00.00 SQL>
配置MYSQL_PS1 或 配置在/etc/my.cnf or .my.cnf 文件中
The MYSQL_PS1 in this example displays the following three information in the prompt:
- Generic variables:
- \S displays semicolon
- \’ displays single quote
- \” displays double quote
- \v displays server version
- \p displays port
- \\ displays backslash
- \n displays newline
- \t displays tab
- \ displays space (there is a space after \ )
- \d displays default database
- \h displays default host
- \_ displays space (there is a underscore after \ )
- \c displays a mysql statement counter. keeps increasing as you type commands.
- \u displays username
- \U displays username@hostname accountname
Date related variables:
- \D displays full current date (as shown in the above example)
- \w displays 3 letter day of the week (e.g. Mon)
- \y displays the two digit year
- \Y displays the four digit year
- \o displays month in number
- \O displays 3 letter month (e.g. Jan)
- \R displays current time in 24 HR format
- \r displays current time in 12 hour format
- \m displays the minutes
- \s displays the seconds
- \P displays AM or PM
$ export MYSQL_PS1="\u@\h [\d]> " $ mysql -u root -pyour-password -D xxxCRM root@dev-db [XXcrm]> mysql> prompt (\u@\h) [\d] \R:\m:\s>\_
— postgresql
在gsql中配置set PROMPT1或配置到.psqlrc文件中
vi ~/.psqlrc
\set PROMPT1 '%M:%> %n@%/%R%#%x '
- %M refers to the database server’s hostname – is “[local]” if the connection is over a Unix domain socket
- %> refers to the listening port
- %n refers to the session username
- %/ refers the current database
- %R refers to whether you’re in single-line mode (^) or disconnected (!) but is normally =
- %# refers to whether you’re a superuser (#) or a regular user (>)
- %x refers to the transaction status – usually blank unless in a transaction block (*)
The prompt color can be edited with the psqlrc. To make the port number red add the following.
\set PROMPT1 '%M:%[%033[1;31m%]%>%[%033[0m%] %n@%/%R%#%x '
There are various colors you can use – change the value 31 to:
- 32 for green
- 33 for yellow
- 34 for blue
- 35 for magenta
- 36 for cyan
- 37 for white
像UNIX PS1环境的配置参考Bash Shell PS1: 10 Examples to Make Your Linux Prompt like Angelina Jolie