Scripts: 查找Oracle数据文件碎片和extents分布
最近有个客户的表空间使用率使用50%左右就出现了ora-1653,我们知道ora-165N是空间无法扩展,这么多的free空间还无法扩展,其中有可能是存在碎片,也就是数据文件中不连续的”洞”free space, 在申请一个比较大的extents时,无法匹配连续空间而失败, 你是否想过查看数据文件上的段分布?或表空间的碎片情况?或move 哪个对象可以让datafile resize更小? 关于datafile HWM这问题十年前小记过一篇《Script: 查看datafile 的HWM,估算resize 最小size》,这里发现两个不错的脚本,拿出来分享一下,其实从dba_extents和dba_free_space聚合的结果就可以实现上面的方法, 很多年前使用toad 工具时还记的那个列数据文件分布的功能确实直观。
-- Author : DR Timothy S Hall -- Call Syntax : @ts_extent_map (tablespace-name) [all | file_id] SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE 1000000 SET FEEDBACK OFF SET TRIMOUT ON SET VERIFY OFF DECLARE l_tablespace_name VARCHAR2(30) := UPPER('&1'); l_file_id VARCHAR2(30) := UPPER('&2'); CURSOR c_extents IS SELECT owner, segment_name, file_id, block_id AS start_block, block_id + blocks - 1 AS end_block FROM dba_extents WHERE tablespace_name = l_tablespace_name AND file_id = DECODE(l_file_id, 'ALL', file_id, TO_NUMBER(l_file_id)) ORDER BY file_id, block_id; l_block_size NUMBER := 0; l_last_file_id NUMBER := 0; l_last_block_id NUMBER := 0; l_gaps_only BOOLEAN := TRUE; l_total_blocks NUMBER := 0; BEGIN SELECT block_size INTO l_block_size FROM dba_tablespaces WHERE tablespace_name = l_tablespace_name; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Tablespace Block Size (bytes): ' || l_block_size); FOR cur_rec IN c_extents LOOP IF cur_rec.file_id != l_last_file_id THEN l_last_file_id := cur_rec.file_id; l_last_block_id := cur_rec.start_block - 1; END IF; IF cur_rec.start_block > l_last_block_id + 1 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('*** GAP *** (' || l_last_block_id || ' -> ' || cur_rec.start_block || ')' || ' FileID=' || cur_rec.file_id || ' Blocks=' || (cur_rec.start_block-l_last_block_id-1) || ' Size(MB)=' || ROUND(((cur_rec.start_block-l_last_block_id-1) * l_block_size)/1024/1024,2) ); l_total_blocks := l_total_blocks + cur_rec.start_block - l_last_block_id-1; END IF; l_last_block_id := cur_rec.end_block; IF NOT l_gaps_only THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(RPAD(cur_rec.owner || '.' || cur_rec.segment_name, 40, ' ') || ' (' || cur_rec.start_block || ' -> ' || cur_rec.end_block || ')'); END IF; END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Total Gap Blocks: ' || l_total_blocks); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Total Gap Space (MB): ' || ROUND((l_total_blocks * l_block_size)/1024/1024,2)); END; / PROMPT SET FEEDBACK ON --- example SQL> @tbs_map users 12 Tablespace Block Size (bytes): 8192 *** GAP *** (32007 -> 32048) FileID=12 Blocks=40 Size(MB)=.31 *** GAP *** (32895 -> 32984) FileID=12 Blocks=88 Size(MB)=.69 *** GAP *** (33151 -> 33216) FileID=12 Blocks=64 Size(MB)=.5 *** GAP *** (33535 -> 33640) FileID=12 Blocks=104 Size(MB)=.81 *** GAP *** (33663 -> 33760) FileID=12 Blocks=96 Size(MB)=.75 *** GAP *** (34047 -> 34072) FileID=12 Blocks=24 Size(MB)=.19 *** GAP *** (39295 -> 39760) FileID=12 Blocks=464 Size(MB)=3.63 .. .. *** GAP *** (266319 -> 266368) FileID=12 Blocks=48 Size(MB)=.38 *** GAP *** (271103 -> 271568) FileID=12 Blocks=464 Size(MB)=3.63 *** GAP *** (271615 -> 271744) FileID=12 Blocks=128 Size(MB)=1 *** GAP *** (272895 -> 273024) FileID=12 Blocks=128 Size(MB)=1 *** GAP *** (273151 -> 277504) FileID=12 Blocks=4352 Size(MB)=34 *** GAP *** (277719 -> 277760) FileID=12 Blocks=40 Size(MB)=.31 Total Gap Blocks: 110680 Total Gap Space (MB): 864.69
-- author: Marc Billette -- -- Create the global temporary tables. -- create global temporary table seg_list (file_id number, block_id number, owner varchar2(30), segment_name varchar2(30), segment_type varchar2(30), blocks number, constraint seg_list_pk primary key (file_id, block_id, owner, segment_name, segment_type)) ; create global temporary table aggregated_extent_map (file_id number, root_block_id number, owner varchar2(30), segment_name varchar2(30), segment_type varchar2(30), total_blocks number) ; -- -- Load the base extent data -- from dba_extents and dba_free_space -- insert into seg_list select file_id,block_id,owner, segment_name,segment_type,blocks from dba_extents -- this is optional, you can load all your tablespaces -- where tablespace_name = 'MY_TS' union all select file_id,block_id, 'free space', 'free space', 'free space', blocks from dba_free_space -- this is optional, you can load all your tablespaces -- where tablespace_name = 'MY_TS'; -- -- Generate the aggregate extent map using a hierarchical query. -- Be patient, this will take a short while depending on the number -- of extents to process and your system's speed. It took 5:02.69 -- minutes on a dev server to process 18033 extents and -- generated 11848 aggregated extents. -- insert into aggregated_extent_map select file_id, root, owner, segment_name, segment_type, sum(blocks) from ( select owner, segment_name, segment_type, file_id, blocks, block_id, substr(sys_connect_by_path(block_id,'/'),2, decode(instr(sys_connect_by_path(block_id,'/'),'/',2) -2,-2,length(sys_connect_by_path(block_id,'/')), instr(sys_connect_by_path(block_id,'/'),'/',2)-2)) root from seg_list a start with (file_id, block_id) in (select file_id, block_id from seg_list where (file_id,block_id) in (select file_id, min(block_id) from seg_list group by file_id) union all select b.file_id, b.block_id from seg_list a, seg_list b where b.block_id = a.block_id + a.blocks and a.file_id = b.file_id and (a.owner <> b.owner or a.segment_name <> b.segment_name) ) connect by owner = prior owner and segment_name = prior segment_name and file_id = prior file_id and block_id = prior a.block_id + prior a.blocks ) c group by owner, segment_name, segment_type, file_id, root ; -- >>> run all your queries here... -- Don't forget to re-populate the temporary tables if you -- sign out or rollback. break on file_id skip 1 set linesize 140 pagesize 10000 col file_id for 9999 col top_n noprint col segment_type for a12 col size_mb for 999999.99 select * from ( select a.file_id, rank() over (partition by a.file_id order by root_block_id desc) top_n, segment_name, segment_type, root_block_id, total_blocks*(b.bytes/b.blocks)/1048576 size_mb from aggregated_extent_map a, dba_data_files b where a.file_id = b.file_id -- use this if you loaded more than one TS in the seg_list -- and tablespace_name = 'MY_TS' -- use this to list a single datafile -- and a.file_id = 12 ) where top_n <=10 ; -- example FILE_ID SEGMENT_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE ROOT_BLOCK_ID SIZE_MB ------- ------------------------------ ------------ ------------- ---------- 12 free space free space 278656 49.25 TEMP_TBH_BOOK2 TABLE 277760 7.00 free space free space 277720 .31 TEMP_TBH_BOOK2 TABLE 277592 1.00 TBH_BOOK TABLE 277504 .69 free space free space 273152 34.00 T_CI TABLE 273024 1.00 free space free space 272896 1.00 T_CI TABLE 272768 1.00 IDX_T_CI_ID INDEX 272640 1.00 ...