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工具: Autonomous Health Framework – TFA

Trace File Analyzer(TFA) 是oracle用于分析和收集日志的程序,可以安装在独立或集群节点的数据库节点上。从Oracle12.2开始,这个工具包含在 RDBMS 软件中,当我们运行 root.sh 脚本时,这也是可选的,如果不需要,我们仍然可以跳过它,从19c开始Oracle将ORAchk,EXAchk,TFA等多个诊断工具合并入Autonomous Health Framework(AHF),作为一个独立的安装软件,也被集成到了RAC安装介质中,AHF可以使用root或者非root用户安装,但是用root可以收集更全的日志。 在我2021DTC分享的主题中有提到“Oracle Autonomous Health Framework是一种有助于预防和解决这些问题的解决方案。它的组件一起工作来识别数据库系统的潜在威胁,并提供纠正措施来修复它们。对于发生的问题,Oracle AHF通过识别问题、诊断其原因并提供解决方案,以帮助快速解决问题。Oracle AHF也收集Oracle支持服务(OSS)所需的相关信息,以快速解决问题。”

Oracle Autonomous Health Framework框架的功能较多,利用机器学习结合EMCC等,目标是实时的自动诊断、分析并提供解决方案,也可以快速收集ORACLE SR中常要的日志信息,也为我们平时分析故障提供了便利,这使 DBA 的工作变得轻松,例如,为了收集 8个节点的诊断信息,我们必须查看所有节点上的警报日志、侦听器日志,这将变得非常冗长,并且也不容易基于所有节点合并信息。 TFA 实用程序可以从 MOS 下载。

安装配置参考 Download the latest version from Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) – Including TFA and ORAchk/EXAChk (Doc ID 2550798.1)


oracle@> tfactl status
WARNING - TFA Software is older than 180 days. Please consider upgrading TFA to the latest version.

| Host  | Status of TFA | PID   | Port | Version    | Build ID             | Inventory Status |
| anbob1 | RUNNING       | 60664 | 5000 | | 20200020200626072308 | COMPLETE         |
| anbob2 | RUNNING       | 60716 | 5000 | | 20200020200626072308 | COMPLETE         |


oracle@anbob1:/home/oracle> ps -ef|grep tfa |grep -v grep
root      58439      1  0  2021 ?        00:30:56 /bin/sh /etc/init.d/init.tfa run >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null root 60664 1 0 2021 ? 04:33:39 /opt/oracle.ahf/jre/bin/java -server -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Djava.awt.headless=true -Ddisable.checkForUpdate=true -XX:HeapDumpPath=/oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/anbob1/diag/tfa -XX:ParallelGCThreads=5 oracle.rat.tfa.TFAMain /opt/oracle.ahf/tfa oracle@anbob1:/home/oracle> 

注意有时安全扫描提示5000 port有安全风险,也就是tfa。


如果观察安装日志可以发现在linux7中,自动启动是在增加了oracle-tfa.service OS服务
如systemctl status oracle-tfa

tfactl stop
tfactl disable


$tfactl diagcollect -from "2021-11-14 03:00:00" -to "2021-11-14 05:00:00" -all

Not enough space in Repository or TFA_BASE to run collections

[root@anbob1 bin]# tfactl print repository
[root@anbob1 bin]# tfactl set reposizeMB=20480

[root@anbob1 bin]# mkdir /tmp/repository
[root@anbob1 bin]# tfactl set repositorydir=/tmp/repository

[root@anbob1 bin]# ./tfactl diagcollect –h

[root@anbob1 bin]# ./tfactl diagcollect -examples



如果数据库服务器能够 ping 站点https://transport.oracle.com,可以将文件直接发送到 MOS。

$tfactl upload -sr SR_NUMBER -user MOS_USER FILE_YOU_WANT_TO_SEND


我们习惯于使用 adrci 来正确管理我们的数据库日志,TFA 也可以清理 CRS 和数据库日志,Adrci 是可配置的,并根据配置的策略执行清除,而 tfactl managelogs 不会。此外,tfactl managelogs 也可清理Listener日志,您可以从一个节点清理所有集群日志,而无需连接到每台服务器以执行从 adrci 的清除。


Usage : /oraadm/dba/ahf/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl [run] managelogs [ -purge [[-older <m|h|d>] | [-gi] | [-database <all|d1,d2..>] | [-dryrun] ]] [ -show [usage|variation] [ [-older ] | [-gi] | [-database <all|d1,d2..>] ] ] [-node <all|local|node1,node2..>]

-purge           Purge logs
   -older        Timeperiod for log purge
   -gi           Purge Grid Infrastructure logs(all ADR homes under GIBASE/diag and crsdata(cvu dirs))
   -database     Purge Database logs (Default all else provide list)
   -dryrun       Estimate logs which will be cleared by purge command
-show            Print usage/variation details
   -older         Timeperiod for change in log volume
   -gi           Space utilization under GIBASE
   -database     Space utilization for Database logs (Default all else provide list)

 -older <m|h|d>  Files from past 'n' [d]ays or 'n' [h]ours or 'n' [m]inutes

   /oraadm/dba/ahf/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl managelogs -purge -older 30d -dryrun
   /oraadm/dba/ahf/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl managelogs -purge -older 30d
   /oraadm/dba/ahf/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl managelogs -show usage


TFA 还附带一个 REST API,您可以使用 POST 和 GET http,您需要设置之前的使用,它将设置 2 个用户,tfaadmin 和 tfarest,并在服务器上启动 ORDS 服务。


oracle@> tfactl print
WARNING - TFA Software is older than 180 days. Please consider upgrading TFA to the latest version.

Print requested details.

Usage : /oracle/app/19c/grid/bin/tfactl print  [options]
For detailed help on each command use:
  /oracle/app/19c/grid/bin/tfactl print  -help

oracle@> tfactl print config
WARNING - TFA Software is older than 180 days. Please consider upgrading TFA to the latest version.
|                                                        ldcj1                                                        |
| Configuration Parameter                                                                                | Value      |
| TFA Version ( tfaversion )                                                                             | |
| Java Version ( javaVersion )                                                                           | 1.8        |
| Public IP Network ( publicIp )                                                                         | true       |
| Repository current size (MB) ( currentsizemegabytes )                                                  | 3584       |
| Repository maximum size (MB) ( maxsizemegabytes )                                                      | 10240      |
| Cluster Event Monitor ( clustereventmonitor )                                                          | ON         |
| collectAllDirsByFile                                                                                   | ON         |
| Auto Diagcollection ( autodiagcollect )                                                                | ON         |
| Public IP Network ( publicIp )                                                                         | ON         |
| Flood Control ( floodcontrol )                                                                         | ON         |
| File Data Collection ( inventory )                                                                     | ON         |
| Automatic Purging ( autoPurge )                                                                        | ON         |
| Internal Search String ( internalSearchString )                                                        | ON         |
| ISA Data Gathering ( collection.isa )                                                                  | ON         |
| Trim Files ( trimfiles )                                                                               | ON         |
| collectTrm                                                                                             | OFF        |
| odscan                                                                                                 | ON         |
| Disk Usage Monitor ( diskUsageMon )                                                                    | OFF        |
| chanotification ( chanotification )                                                                    | ON         |
| Discovery ( discovery )                                                                                | ON         |
| analyze                                                                                                | OFF        |
| Managelogs Auto Purge ( manageLogsAutoPurge )                                                          | OFF        |
| indexInventory                                                                                         | ON         |
| Generation of Telemetry Data ( telemetry )                                                             | OFF        |
| chaautocollect                                                                                         | ON         |
| Granular Tracing ( granulartracing )                                                                   | OFF        |
| Alert Log Scan ( rtscan )                                                                              | ON         |
| debugips                                                                                               | OFF        |
| minPossibleSpaceForPurge                                                                               | 1024       |
| disk.threshold                                                                                         | 90         |
| mem.swapfree                                                                                           | 5120       |
| mem.util.samples                                                                                       | 4          |
| inventoryThreadPoolSize                                                                                | 1          |
| mem.swaptotal.samples                                                                                  | 2          |
| maxFileAgeToPurge                                                                                      | 1440       |
| mem.free                                                                                               | 20480      |
| Minimum Free Space to enable Alert Log Scan (MB) ( minSpaceForRTScan )                                 | 500        |
| cpu.io.samples                                                                                         | 30         |
| mem.util                                                                                               | 80         |
| Time interval between consecutive Disk Usage Snapshot(minutes) ( diskUsageMonInterval )                | 60         |
| TFA ISA Purge Thread Delay (minutes) ( tfaDbUtlPurgeThreadDelay )                                      | 60         |
| firstDiscovery                                                                                         | 1          |
| TFA IPS Pool Size ( tfaIpsPoolSize )                                                                   | 5          |
| maxFileCollectionSize                                                                                  | 5120       |
| Time interval between consecutive Managelogs Auto Purge(minutes) ( manageLogsAutoPurgeInterval )       | 60         |
| arc.backupmissing.samples                                                                              | 2          |
| cpu.util.samples                                                                                       | 2          |
| cpu.usr.samples                                                                                        | 2          |
| cpu.sys                                                                                                | 50         |
| Flood Control Limit Count ( fc.limit )                                                                 | 3          |
| Flood Control Pause Time (minutes) ( fc.pauseTime )                                                    | 120        |
| maxLogCount                                                                                            | 10         |
| cdb.backup.samples                                                                                     | 1          |
| arc.backupstatus                                                                                       | 1          |
| purgeFrequency                                                                                         | 4          |
| TFA ISA Purge Age (seconds) ( tfaDbUtlPurgeAge )                                                       | 604800     |
| maxCoreCollectionSize                                                                                  | 500        |
| cpu.util                                                                                               | 80         |
| mem.swapfree.samples                                                                                   | 2          |
| cdb.backupstatus                                                                                       | 1          |
| mem.swaputl.samples                                                                                    | 2          |
| arc.backup.samples                                                                                     | 1          |
| unreachablenodeTimeOut                                                                                 | 3600       |
| Flood Control Limit Time (minutes) ( fc.limitTime )                                                    | 60         |
| mem.swaputl                                                                                            | 10         |
| mem.free.samples                                                                                       | 2          |
| maxCoreFileSize                                                                                        | 50         |
| disk.samples                                                                                           | 1          |
| cpu.sys.samples                                                                                        | 30         |
| cpu.usr                                                                                                | 98         |
| arc.backupmissing                                                                                      | 1          |
| cpu.io                                                                                                 | 20         |
| inventoryPurgeThreadInterval                                                                           | 720        |
| Age of Purging Collections (Hours) ( minFileAgeToPurge )                                               | 12         |
| cpu.idle.samples                                                                                       | 2          |
| unreachablenodeSleepTime                                                                               | 300        |
| cpu.idle                                                                                               | 20         |
| mem.swaptotal                                                                                          | 24         |
| TFA ISA CRS Profile Delay (minutes) ( tfaDbUtlCrsProfileDelay )                                        | 720        |
| cdb.backupmissing                                                                                      | 1          |
| cdb.backupmissing.samples                                                                              | 2          |
| Trim Size ( trimsize )                                                                                 | 500000     |
| maxLogSize                                                                                             | 52428800   |
| minTimeForAutoDiagCollection                                                                           | 300        |
| skipScanThreshold                                                                                      | 100        |
| fileCountInventorySwitch                                                                               | 5000       |
| TFA ISA Purge Mode ( tfaDbUtlPurgeMode )                                                               | profile    |
| country                                                                                                | US         |
| Debug Mask (Hex) ( debugmask )                                                                         | 0x000000   |
| Object Store Secure Upload ( oss.secure.upload )                                                       | true       |
| Setting for ACR redaction (none|SANITIZE|MASK) ( redact )                                              | none       |
| language                                                                                               | en         |
| AlertLogLevel                                                                                          | ALL        |
| BaseLogPath                                                                                            | ERROR      |
| encoding                                                                                               | UTF-8      |
| UserLogLevel                                                                                           | ALL        |
| Logs older than the time period will be auto purged(days[d]|hours[h]) ( manageLogsAutoPurgePolicyAge ) | 30d        |

oracle@> tfactl print hosts
WARNING - TFA Software is older than 180 days. Please consider upgrading TFA to the latest version.
Host Name : anbob1
Host Name : anbob2

oracle@anbob1:/home/oracle> tfactl print repository
WARNING - TFA Software is older than 180 days. Please consider upgrading TFA to the latest version.
|                               anbob1                               |
| Repository Parameter | Value                                       |
| Location             | /oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/repository |
| Maximum Size (MB)    | 10240                                       |
| Current Size (MB)    | 3584                                        |
| Free Size (MB)       | 6656                                        |
| Status               | OPEN                                        |

|                               anbob2                               |
| Repository Parameter | Value                                       |
| Location             | /oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/repository |
| Maximum Size (MB)    | 10240                                       |
| Current Size (MB)    | 2802                                        |
| Free Size (MB)       | 7438                                        |
| Status               | OPEN                                        |

oracle@anbob1:/home/oracle> tfactl print directories
WARNING - TFA Software is older than 180 days. Please consider upgrading TFA to the latest version.
Last Rediscovery Run on andb1 : Mon Jan 24 22:38:24 CST 2022
|                                                         andb1                                                        |
| Trace Directory                    | Component                                               | Permission | Added By |
| /etc/oracle                        | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/cfgtoollogs   | [CFGTOOLS, ODAPATCHING]                                 | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/install       | [INSTALL]                                               | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/inventory/Con | [INSTALL]                                               | public     | root     |
| tentsXML                           |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/diag/asmt | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| ool                                |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/diag/clie | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| nts                                |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1     | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/acf | [ACFS]                                                  | public     | root     |
| s                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/adm | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| in                                 |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/afd | [ACFS]                                                  | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/cha | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| d                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/cli | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| ent                                |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/crs | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| d                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/css | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| d                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/cts | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| sd                                 |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/dis | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| kmon                               |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/evm | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| d                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/gip | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| cd                                 |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/gns | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| d                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/gpn | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| pd                                 |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/mdn | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| sd                                 |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/oha | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| sd                                 |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/rac | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| g                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/srv | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| m                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/log/andb1/xag | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/19c/grid/rdbms/log     | [ASM]                                                   | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/cfgtoollogs       | [CFGTOOLS, ODAPATCHING]                                 | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/cfgtoollogs/dbca  | [CFGTOOLS, ODAPATCHING]                                 | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/cfgtoollogs/dbca/ | [RDBMS]{RDBMS|database=-MGMTDB}                         | public     | root     |
| -MGMTDB                            |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/cfgtoollogs/dbca/ | [RDBMS]{RDBMS|database=_mgmtdb}                         | public     | root     |
| _mgmtdb                            |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/@global/c | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| rsconfig                           |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/@global/c | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| vu                                 |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/_global/C | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| FEEC6754B2C122FE0533FF3E60A5273    |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/_global/c | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| had                                |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/acf | [ACFS]                                                  | public     | root     |
| s                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/cal | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| og                                 |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/cdp | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/cha | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| d                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/cor | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| e                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/crf | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/crs | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| config                             |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/crs | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| diag                               |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/css | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| wd                                 |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/cvu | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/evm | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/ocr | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/olr | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/ons | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| wallet                             |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/out | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| put                                |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/ovm | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| mwallets                           |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/qos | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/rhp | [RHP]                                                   | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/sca | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| nclusters                          |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/scr | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| ipts                               |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/sec | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| urity                              |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/shm | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/tra | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| ce                                 |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/crsdata/andb1/tra | [CHA]                                                   | public     | root     |
| ce/chad                            |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/asm/+asm/+AS | [ASM]{ASM|instance=+ASM1}                               | public     | root     |
| M1/alert                           |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/asm/+asm/+AS | [ASM]{ASM|instance=+ASM1}                               | public     | root     |
| M1/cdump                           |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/asm/+asm/+AS | [ASM]{ASM|instance=+ASM1}                               | public     | root     |
| M1/incident                        |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/asm/+asm/+AS | [ASM]{ASM|instance=+ASM1}                               | public     | root     |
| M1/trace                           |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/asmcmd/user_ | [ASM]                                                   | public     | root     |
| grid/andb1/trace                   |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/asmcmd/user_ | [ASM]                                                   | public     | root     |
| root/andb1/trace                   |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/asmtool/user | [ASMTOOL]{ASMTOOL|instance=user_root}                   | public     | root     |
| _root/host_3316717043_110          |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/asmtool/user | [ASMTOOL]{ASMTOOL|instance=user_root}                   | public     | root     |
| _root/host_3316717043_110/cdump    |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/asmtool/user | [ASMTOOL]{ASMTOOL|instance=user_root}                   | public     | root     |
| _root/host_3316717043_110/trace    |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/clients/user | [DBCLIENT]{DBCLIENT|instance=user_grid}                 | public     | root     |
| _grid/host_3316717043_110          |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/clients/user | [DBCLIENT]{DBCLIENT|instance=user_grid}                 | public     | root     |
| _grid/host_3316717043_110/cdump    |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/clients/user | [DBCLIENT]{DBCLIENT|instance=user_grid}                 | public     | root     |
| _grid/host_3316717043_110/trace    |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/clients/user | [DBCLIENT]{DBCLIENT|instance=user_root}                 | public     | root     |
| _root/host_3316717043_110          |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/clients/user | [DBCLIENT]{DBCLIENT|instance=user_root}                 | public     | root     |
| _root/host_3316717043_110/cdump    |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/clients/user | [DBCLIENT]{DBCLIENT|instance=user_root}                 | public     | root     |
| _root/host_3316717043_110/trace    |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/crs/andb1/cr | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| s/cdump                            |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/crs/andb1/cr | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| s/incident                         |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/crs/andb1/cr | [CRS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| s/trace                            |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/rdbms/_mgmtd | [RDBMS]{RDBMS|database=_mgmtdb, RDBMS|instance=-MGMTDB} | public     | root     |
| b/-MGMTDB/cdump                    |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/rdbms/_mgmtd | [RDBMS]{RDBMS|database=_mgmtdb, RDBMS|instance=-MGMTDB} | public     | root     |
| b/-MGMTDB/incident                 |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/rdbms/_mgmtd | [RDBMS]{RDBMS|database=_mgmtdb, RDBMS|instance=-MGMTDB} | public     | root     |
| b/-MGMTDB/trace                    |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/asmnet1lsnr_asm/trace            |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/listener                         |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/listener/cdump                   |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/listener/trace                   |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/listener_1529                    |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/listener_1529/cdump              |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/listener_1529/trace              |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/listener_dgcja                   |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/listener_dgcja/cdump             |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/listener_dgcja/trace             |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/listener_dgcjb                   |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/listener_dgcjb/cdump             |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/listener_dgcjb/trace             |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/listener_scan1/cdump             |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/listener_scan1/trace             |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/diag/tnslsnr/ldcj | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| 1/mgmtlsnr/trace                   |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/r | [OS]                                                    | public     | root     |
| epository/suptools/andb1/oswbb/gri |                                                         |            |          |
| d/archive                          |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/r | [RDBMS]                                                 | public     | root     |
| epository/suptools/prw             |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oraInventory/ContentsX | [INSTALL]                                               | private    | root     |
| ML                                 |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Collect All    |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oraInventory/logs      | [INSTALL]                                               | private    | root     |
| Collection policy : Collect All    |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs     | [CFGTOOLS, ODAPATCHING]                                 | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbc | [CFGTOOLS, ODAPATCHING]                                 | public     | root     |
| a                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbc | [RDBMS]{RDBMS|database=accta}                           | public     | root     |
| a/accta                            |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/diag/asmcmd/use | [ASM]                                                   | public     | root     |
| r_oracle/andb1/trace               |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/diag/asmcmd/use | [ASM]                                                   | public     | root     |
| r_oracle/ldjfa1/trace              |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/diag/clients/us | [DBCLIENT]{DBCLIENT|instance=user_oracle}               | public     | root     |
| er_oracle/host_2192911409_107/cdum |                                                         |            |          |
| p                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/diag/clients/us | [DBCLIENT]{DBCLIENT|instance=user_oracle}               | public     | root     |
| er_oracle/host_2192911409_107/trac |                                                         |            |          |
| e                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/diag/clients/us | [DBCLIENT]{DBCLIENT|instance=user_oracle}               | public     | root     |
| er_oracle/host_2192911409_110/cdum |                                                         |            |          |
| p                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/diag/clients/us | [DBCLIENT]{DBCLIENT|instance=user_oracle}               | public     | root     |
| er_oracle/host_2192911409_110/trac |                                                         |            |          |
| e                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/diag/clients/us | [DBCLIENT]{DBCLIENT|instance=user_oracle}               | public     | root     |
| er_oracle/host_3316717043_110/cdum |                                                         |            |          |
| p                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/diag/clients/us | [DBCLIENT]{DBCLIENT|instance=user_oracle}               | public     | root     |
| er_oracle/host_3316717043_110/trac |                                                         |            |          |
| e                                  |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cjb/ | [RDBMS]{RDBMS|database=cjb, RDBMS|instance=cjb1}        | public     | root     |
| cjb1/cdump                         |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/cjb/ | [RDBMS]{RDBMS|database=cjb, RDBMS|instance=cjb1}        | public     | root     |
| cjb1/trace                         |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/pric | [RDBMS]{RDBMS|database=pricj, RDBMS|instance=cj1}       | public     | root     |
| j/cj1/cdump                        |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : No Exclusions  |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/pric | [RDBMS]{RDBMS|database=pricj, RDBMS|instance=cj1}       | public     | root     |
| j/cj1/trace                        |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr    | [TNS]                                                   | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/product/19c/db_ | [CFGTOOLS, ODAPATCHING]                                 | public     | root     |
| 1/cfgtoollogs                      |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/product/19c/db_ | [INSTALL]                                               | public     | root     |
| 1/install                          |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/product/19c/db_ | [INSTALL]                                               | private    | root     |
| 1/inventory/ContentsXML            |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Collect All    |                                                         |            |          |
| /oracle/app/oracle/product/19c/db_ | [RDBMS]                                                 | public     | root     |
| 1/rdbms/log                        |                                                         |            |          |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /var/adm                           | [OS]                                                    | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |
| /var/log                           | [OS, RACDBCLOUD, ODASTORAGE, ACFS]                      | public     | root     |
| Collection policy : Exclusions     |                                                         |            |          |


oracle@> tfactl toolstatus
WARNING - TFA Software is older than 180 days. Please consider upgrading TFA to the latest version.

|                    TOOLS STATUS - HOST : ldcj1                   |
| Tool Type            | Tool         | Version      | Status      |
| Development Tools    | orachk       | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | oratop       |       14.1.2 | DEPLOYED    |
| Support Tools Bundle | darda        | 2.10.0.R6036 | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | oswbb        |        8.3.2 | RUNNING     |
|                      | prw          | | NOT RUNNING |
| TFA Utilities        | alertsummary | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | calog        | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | dbcheck      | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | dbglevel     | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | grep         | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | history      | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | ls           | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | managelogs   | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | menu         | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | param        | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | ps           | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | pstack       | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | summary      | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | tail         | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | triage       | | DEPLOYED    |
|                      | vi           | | DEPLOYED    |

Note :-
  DEPLOYED    : Installed and Available - To be configured or run interactively.
  NOT RUNNING : Configured and Available - Currently turned off interactively.
  RUNNING     : Configured and Available.


oracle@anbob1:/home/oracle> tfactl events -help
WARNING - TFA Software is older than 180 days. Please consider upgrading TFA to the latest version.

Lists all important events in system

Usage : /oracle/app/19c/grid/bin/tfactl events [-search  | -component <ASM|CRS> | -database  | -instance  | -source  | -from 




oracle@anbob1:/home/oracle> tfactl changes -last 5d
WARNING - TFA Software is older than 180 days. Please consider upgrading TFA to the latest version.

Output from host : anbob2
No Changes Found

Output from host : anbob1
No Changes Found
oracle@anbob1:/home/oracle> tfactl analyze -search "alter" -last 5d
WARNING - TFA Software is older than 180 days. Please consider upgrading TFA to the latest version.
oracle@anbob1:/home/oracle> tfactl analyze -search "ALERT" -last 5d
WARNING - TFA Software is older than 180 days. Please consider upgrading TFA to the latest version.
INFO: analyzing all (Alert and Unix System Logs) logs for the last 7200 minutes...  Please wait...
INFO: analyzing host: anbob1

                    Report title: Analysis of Alert,System Logs
               Report date range: last ~5 day(s)
      Report (default) time zone: CST - China Standard Time
             Analysis started at: 26-Jan-2022 10:17:03 AM CST
           Elapsed analysis time: 1 minute(s), 9 second(s).
              Configuration file: /opt/oracle.ahf/tfa/ext/tnt/conf/tnt.prop
             Configuration group: all
                       Parameter: ALERT
             Total message count:        266,942, from 04-Nov-2021 09:52:51 AM CST to 26-Jan-2022 10:15:34 AM CST
Messages matching last ~5 day(s):          2,600, from 21-Jan-2022 10:41:24 AM CST to 26-Jan-2022 10:15:34 AM CST
                  Matching regex: ALERT
                  Case sensitive: false
                     Match count: 0

INFO: analyzing all (Alert and Unix System Logs) logs for the last 7200 minutes...  Please wait...
INFO: analyzing host: anbob2

                    Report title: Analysis of Alert,System Logs
               Report date range: last ~5 day(s)
      Report (default) time zone: CST - China Standard Time
             Analysis started at: 26-Jan-2022 10:18:13 AM CST
           Elapsed analysis time: 49 second(s).
              Configuration file: /opt/oracle.ahf/tfa/ext/tnt/conf/tnt.prop
             Configuration group: all
                       Parameter: ALERT
             Total message count:        154,847, from 04-Nov-2021 10:01:53 AM CST to 26-Jan-2022 10:00:03 AM CST
Messages matching last ~5 day(s):            685, from 21-Jan-2022 10:37:02 AM CST to 26-Jan-2022 10:00:03 AM CST
                  Matching regex: ALERT
                  Case sensitive: false
                     Match count: 0


tfactl set -help
$ tfactl set reposizeMB=50000 (all node)

$ tfactl access promote -user oracle
$ tfactl access promote -user grid

$ tfactl stop oswbb
$ tfactl start oswbb 10 72 gzip

更多使用可以查看 Oracle Premier Support – Oracle Database Support News – Issue February 2017, Volume 72 (Doc ID 2245222.1)
Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) – an Overview Guide

— enjoy —


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