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工具: 分析core dump file

What is a 'core dump' ?
        A core dump is an image copy of a processes state at the instant
        it 'aborted'. It is produced in the form of a file called 'core' 
        usually located in the current directory. 

What causes a core dump ?
        There are many situations which can cause a core dump to be produced, 
        but it is usually because the process has attempted to do something
        which the operating system does not like. The most common causes
        of this are:

                The program tried to access memory outside its allowed range.

                The program tried to obtain a resource which was either
                exhausted or unavailable.

                An attempt was made to execute illegal instructions.

		An attempt was made to read unaligned data

        In Unix systems the offending process is sent one of a number of
        signals which force a core dump to be produced. It is also possible
        for a user to produce a core dump by sending one of these signals
        to a process manually. 
What should I do if I get a core dump ?
        As with any problem you should first note down the FULL version
        numbers of the product, the RDBMS, PL/SQL (if used) and any 
        related products.

        You should also note the EXACT command you were running when 
        this occurred. Eg: If it was a SQL*Forms problem and you were
        using 'mrunform30', write this down.  This command will be referred
        to as 'program' below. 

        Now follow the instructions below in order:

        1) Check if you have a 'core' file, it should be in the directory where 
           the command was issued, or in CORE_DUMP_DEST/core_NNNNNN
           if it is the 'oracle' executable. "oracle" can also produce
           core files in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/core_NNNNN or $ORACLE_HOME/dbs .

        2) Log in as ORACLE and cd to the directory containing the core file.  
           Then issue:

                         file core

           This should identify the "program" name to use in the next step, 
           e.g.: oracle

        3) Log in as ORACLE and change in to the $ORACLE_HOME/bin
           directory. Enter the command:

                         file program

           and write the result down letter for letter. If the word 'dynamic' 
           or 'dynamically linked' appears in the output of this command
           then please make a note of this as there are a few platforms on
           which Oracle does NOT support dynamic linking and this may be
           the cause of your problem.
 4) Now enter:

                        chmod +r program

           to add read permission to the program. 

        5) Log out , then log in as the user who encountered the error.
           The next step will vary slightly depending on which version of
           Unix you are using. One of the following commands should exist
           on your machine - try each in order until you find one that exists.
           In some cases you may be asked for stacks from all threads so 
           use the "thread" version of the command if it exists. 

	   An alternative to the commands below is to use the stackx.sh 
	   script from Note:362791.1 . That script will try to find a 
	   suitable debugger and extract the stack tracee for you .

	     Common Debuggers and commands to show a symbolic stack trace:

              Command   NB           Exit command     Stack Trace command
              -------   --           ------------     -------------------
                dbx                  quit             where
                xdb     (HPUX 10)    quit             t
                gdb     (HPUX 11)    q                bt
                dde     (HPUX 11)    q                bt
                sdb                  q                t 
                adb                  $q (or Ctrl-D)   $c
		debug	(PTX only)   quit	      stack
                gdb     (Linux)      quit             bt
                                                   or thread apply all where
                pstack  (HPUX, Linux, Solaris)

           Change to the directory where the core dump is located and enter
           the commands as in the relevant example below. If you are not
           sure which program produced the 'core' file then on some Unix 
           platforms the command 'file core' will tell you the executable
           name that the core file is from (this does not work on ALL 
           Unix platforms, see note below.)
           Example commands:

                DBX:        $ script /tmp/mystack
                            $ dbx $ORACLE_HOME/bin/<program> core 
                            (dbx) where
                            ...                 << Stack should appear here
                            (dbx) quit
                            $ exit

                XDB:        $ script /tmp/mystack
                            $ xdb $ORACLE_HOME/bin/<program> core 
                            (xdb) t     
                            ...                 << Stack should appear here
                            (xdb) quit
                            $ exit

                SDB:        $ script /tmp/mystack
                            $ sdb $ORACLE_HOME/bin/<program> core 
                            (sdb) t      
                            ...                 << Stack should appear here
                            (sdb) q
                            $ exit

		(NOTE: In the 'adb' commands below literally type the $c & $q)
                ADB:        $ script /tmp/mystack
                            $ adb $ORACLE_HOME/bin/<program> core 
                             $c      << NB: adb has no prompt so just enter $c
                            $ exit

                DEBUG:      $ script /tmp/mystack
                            $ debug -c core $ORACLE_HOME/bin/<program> 
                            debug> stack
                            ...                 << Stack should appear here
                            debug> quit
                            $ exit

                GDB:        $ script /tmp/mystack
                            $ gdb $ORACLE_HOME/bin/<program> core
                            (gdb) bt
                            ...                 << Stack should appear here
                            (gdb) thread apply all where
                            ...                 << Stacks for all threads here
                            (gdb) quit
                            $ exit

                DDE:        $ script /tmp/mystack
                            $ dde -ui line core $ORACLE_HOME/bin/<program>
                            dde> bt
                            dde> q

                PSTACK:     $ script /tmp/mystack
                            $ pstack core
                            $ exit

[root@oel7db1 ~]# ./stackx gdb core.59248
stackx core / stack trace extraction utility
version 1.3 (c) 2005, 2006, 2007 Oracle Corp. all rights reserved.
Reporting: Mon Jan 17 16:03:37 CST 2022
Machine : oel7db1
OS Name : Linux
OS Ver : 4.14.35-1902.3.2.el7uek.x86_64
CPU Type : 64
Core file: core.59248
Core date: Jan 17 15:11
./stackx[503]: whence: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/ocssd.bin: not found
Tool(s) : /usr/bin/gdb
Program :
Core extraction section follows
No executables found for /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/ocssd.bin in corefile core.59248

Read more Getting a Stack Trace from a CORE file on Unix (Doc ID 1812.1)

