Oracle index need rebuild(索引重建)?
– 索引碎片在不断增加
– 索引不断增加,删除的空间没有重复使用 ,If ‘HEIGHT’ is greater than 4.
– 索引 clustering factor (群集因子)不同步
Clustering factor 群集因子可以反映给定的索引键值所对应的表中的数据排序情况。重建索引不会对群集因子产生影响,要改变集群因子只能通过重组表的数据。
1. 大多数脚本都依赖 index_stats 动态表。此表使用以下命令填充:
analyze index … validate structure;
If the percentage of deleted rows exceeds 30% of the total. So if del_lf_rows / lf_rows> 0.3 in the sys.index_stats table.
尽管这是一种有效的索引检查方法,但是它在分析索引时会获取独占表锁。特别对于大型索引,它的影响会是巨大的,因为在此期间不允许对表执行 DML 操作。虽然该方法可以在不锁表的情况下在线运行,但是可能要消耗额外的时间。
note: validate structure online只是验证索引结构如分析索引坏块,不会填充任何统计信息.
2. 重建索引的直接结果是 REDO 活动可能会增加,总体的系统性能可能会受到影响。
重建索引后,它将连接的更为紧凑;但是,随着对表不断执行 DML 操作,必须再次分割索引,直到索引达到平衡为止。
3. 通常是优先考虑index coalesce(索引合并),而不是重建索引。索引合并有如下优点:
– 不需要占用近磁盘存储空间 2 倍的空间
– 可以在线操作
– 无需重建索引结构,而是尽快地合并索引叶块,这样可避免系统开销过大,请见第 2 点中的解释。
CREATE TABLE index_log ( owner VARCHAR2(30), index_name VARCHAR2(30), last_inspected DATE, leaf_blocks NUMBER, target_size NUMBER, idx_layout CLOB); ALTER TABLE index_log ADD CONSTRAINT pk_index_log PRIMARY KEY (owner,index_name); CREATE TABLE index_hist ( owner VARCHAR2(30), index_name VARCHAR2(30), inspected_date DATE, leaf_blocks NUMBER, target_size NUMBER, idx_layout VARCHAR2(4000)); ALTER TABLE index_hist ADD CONSTRAINT pk_index_hist PRIMARY KEY (owner,index_name,inspected_date); -- -- Variables: -- vMinBlks: Specifies the minimum number of leaf blocks for scanning the index -- Indexes below this number will not be scanned/reported on -- vScaleFactor: The scaling factor, defines the threshold of the estimated leaf block count -- to be smaller than the supplied fraction of the current size. -- vTargetUse : Supplied percentage utilisation. For example 90% equates to the default pctfree 10 -- vHistRet : Defines the number of records to keep in the INDEX_HIST table for each index entry -- CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE index_util AUTHID CURRENT_USER IS vMinBlks CONSTANT POSITIVE := 1000; vScaleFactor CONSTANT NUMBER := 0.6; vTargetUse CONSTANT POSITIVE := 90; -- equates to pctfree 10 vHistRet CONSTANT POSITIVE := 10; -- (#) records to keep in index_hist procedure inspect_schema (aSchemaName IN VARCHAR2); procedure inspect_index (aIndexOwner IN VARCHAR2, aIndexName IN VARCHAR2, aTableOwner IN VARCHAR2, aTableName IN VARCHAR2, aLeafBlocks IN NUMBER); END index_util; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY index_util IS procedure inspect_schema (aSchemaName IN VARCHAR2) IS begin FOR r IN (select table_owner, table_name, owner index_owner, index_name, leaf_blocks from dba_indexes where owner = upper(aSchemaname) and index_type in ('NORMAL','NORMAL/REV','FUNCTION-BASED NORMAL') and partitioned = 'NO' and temporary = 'N' and dropped = 'NO' and status = 'VALID' and last_analyzed is not null order by owner, table_name, index_name) LOOP IF r.leaf_blocks > vMinBlks THEN inspect_index (r.index_owner, r.index_name, r.table_owner, r.table_name, r.leaf_blocks); END IF; END LOOP; commit; end inspect_schema; procedure inspect_index (aIndexOwner IN VARCHAR2, aIndexName IN VARCHAR2, aTableOwner IN VARCHAR2, aTableName IN VARCHAR2, aLeafBlocks IN NUMBER) IS vLeafEstimate number; vBlockSize number; vOverhead number := 192; -- leaf block "lost" space in index_stats vIdxObjID number; vSqlStr VARCHAR2(4000); vIndxLyt CLOB; vCnt number := 0; TYPE IdxRec IS RECORD (rows_per_block number, cnt_blocks number); TYPE IdxTab IS TABLE OF IdxRec; l_data IdxTab; begin select a.block_size into vBlockSize from dba_tablespaces a,dba_indexes b where b.index_name=aIndexName and b.owner=aIndexOwner and a.tablespacE_name=b.tablespace_name; select round (100 / vTargetUse * -- assumed packing efficiency (ind.num_rows * (tab.rowid_length + ind.uniq_ind + 4) + sum((tc.avg_col_len) * (tab.num_rows) ) -- column data bytes ) / (vBlockSize - vOverhead) ) index_leaf_estimate into vLeafEstimate from (select /*+ no_merge */ table_name, num_rows, decode(partitioned,'YES',10,6) rowid_length from dba_tables where table_name = aTableName and owner = aTableOwner) tab, (select /*+ no_merge */ index_name, index_type, num_rows, decode(uniqueness,'UNIQUE',0,1) uniq_ind from dba_indexes where table_owner = aTableOwner and table_name = aTableName and owner = aIndexOwner and index_name = aIndexName) ind, (select /*+ no_merge */ column_name from dba_ind_columns where table_owner = aTableOwner and table_name = aTableName and index_owner = aIndexOwner and index_name = aIndexName) ic, (select /*+ no_merge */ column_name, avg_col_len from dba_tab_cols where owner = aTableOwner and table_name = aTableName) tc where tc.column_name = ic.column_name group by ind.num_rows, ind.uniq_ind, tab.rowid_length; IF vLeafEstimate < vScaleFactor * aLeafBlocks THEN select object_id into vIdxObjID from dba_objects where owner = aIndexOwner and object_name = aIndexName; vSqlStr := 'SELECT rows_per_block, count(*) blocks FROM (SELECT /*+ cursor_sharing_exact ' || 'dynamic_sampling(0) no_monitoring no_expand index_ffs(' || aTableName || ',' || aIndexName || ') noparallel_index(' || aTableName || ',' || aIndexName || ') */ sys_op_lbid(' || vIdxObjID || ', ''L'', ' || aTableName || '.rowid) block_id, ' || 'COUNT(*) rows_per_block FROM ' || aTableOwner || '.' || aTableName || ' GROUP BY sys_op_lbid(' || vIdxObjID || ', ''L'', ' || aTableName || '.rowid)) group by rows_per_block order by rows_per_block'; execute immediate vSqlStr BULK COLLECT INTO l_data; vIndxLyt := ''; FOR i IN l_data.FIRST..l_data.LAST LOOP vIndxLyt := vIndxLyt || l_data(i).rows_per_block || ' - ' || l_data(i).cnt_blocks || chr(10); END LOOP; select count(*) into vCnt from index_log where owner = aIndexOwner and index_name = aIndexName; IF vCnt = 0 THEN insert into index_log values (aIndexOwner, aIndexName, sysdate, aLeafBlocks, round(vLeafEstimate,2), vIndxLyt); ELSE vCnt := 0; select count(*) into vCnt from index_hist where owner = aIndexOwner and index_name = aIndexName; IF vCnt >= vHistRet THEN delete from index_hist where owner = aIndexOwner and index_name = aIndexName and inspected_date = (select MIN(inspected_date) from index_hist where owner = aIndexOwner and index_name = aIndexName); END IF; insert into index_hist select * from index_log where owner = aIndexOwner and index_name = aIndexName; update index_log set last_inspected = sysdate, leaf_blocks = aLeafBlocks, target_size = round(vLeafEstimate,2), idx_layout = vIndxLyt where owner = aIndexOwner and index_name = aIndexName; END IF; END IF; END inspect_index; END index_util; /
Reference Index Rebuild, the Need vs the Implications [989093.1]
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