首页 » Cloud, ORACLE 9i-23ai » Troubleshooting LGWR waits for event ‘DLM cross inst call completion’ 案例

Troubleshooting LGWR waits for event ‘DLM cross inst call completion’ 案例

客户一套Oracle 19c Dataguard的数据库环境,standby 端的总是会间隔性出现较大GAP, 同时DB alert log日志出现LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event ‘DLM cross inst call completion’ for N secs. 的现象,Standby端并未对外提供查询,同时也禁用了多实例日志应用,同时系统资源空闲LMS进程个数正常, 如果关闭其它节点只留apply log节点并不存在该问题, DLM 是Distributed Lock Manager 属于RAC架构中核心机制,实现多节点资源共享调度。通过interconnect Network传递请求,下面简单记录一下这个案例。

db alert log

PR00 (PID:109603): Media Recovery Log +ARCH/anbob1/ARCHIVELOG/2021_07_12/thread_3_seq_13586.1479.1077669291
PR00 (PID:109603): Media Recovery Log +ARCH/anbob1/ARCHIVELOG/2021_07_12/thread_2_seq_14361.1072.1077669019
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 1 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 2 secs.
 rfs (PID:113884): Selected LNO:26 for T-2.S-14456 dbid 3902007743 branch 1037635587
 rfs (PID:114704): Error ORA-235 occurred during an un-locked control file
 rfs (PID:114704): transaction.  This error can be ignored.  The control
 rfs (PID:114704): file transaction will be retried.
ARC2 (PID:106404): Archived Log entry 9591 added for T-2.S-14455 ID 0xe894b1bf LAD:1
 rfs (PID:113882): Selected LNO:31 for T-3.S-13731 dbid 3902007743 branch 1037635587
 rfs (PID:113880): Selected LNO:22 for T-1.S-13006 dbid 3902007743 branch 1037635587
ARC3 (PID:106408): Archived Log entry 9592 added for T-1.S-13005 ID 0xe894b1bf LAD:1
ARC2 (PID:106404): Archived Log entry 9593 added for T-3.S-13730 ID 0xe894b1bf LAD:1
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 0 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) is hung in an acceptable location (inwait 0x1.ffff).
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 2 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 0 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 1 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 2 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 0 secs.
PR00 (PID:109603): Media Recovery Log +ARCH/anbob1/ARCHIVELOG/2021_07_12/thread_2_seq_14362.1867.1077670807
PR00 (PID:109603): Media Recovery Log +ARCH/anbob1/ARCHIVELOG/2021_07_12/thread_3_seq_13587.691.1077670845
PR00 (PID:109603): Media Recovery Log +ARCH/anbob1/ARCHIVELOG/2021_07_12/thread_1_seq_12934.1156.1077670917
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 2 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 0 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 0 secs.
LGWR (ospid: 105521) waits for event 'DLM cross inst call completion' for 1 secs.

LGWR trace

*** 2021-07-12T20:33:43.793041+08:00 ((4))
Received ORADEBUG command (#235) 'dump KSTDUMPCURPROC 1' from process '105470'
Trace Bucket Dump Begin: default bucket for process 47 (osid: 105521, LGWR)
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.784 :KJCI:kjci.c@1957:kjci_complete():4466:40278: freeing request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823031) with opcode=146 and completion status [DONE]
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.784 :KJCI:kjci.c@1089:kjci_initreq():4466:40278: request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823032) with group (type|id)=(1|1), opcode=146, flags=0x0, msglen=56, where=[kqlmClusterMessage] to target instances=
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.784 :KJCI:kjci.c@1091:kjci_initreq():4466:40278:    1 2
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.784 :KJCI:kjci.c@1618:kjci_processcrq():4466:40278: processing reply 0x2cff2d4e8 for request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823032) with opcode=146 from callee (inst|pid|psn)=(1|36|1)
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.784 :KJCI:kjci.c@1618:kjci_processcrq():4466:40278: processing reply 0x2cff2d718 for request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823032) with opcode=146 from callee (inst|pid|psn)=(2|36|1)
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.784 :KJCI:kjci.c@1957:kjci_complete():4466:40278: freeing request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823032) with opcode=146 and completion status [DONE]
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.785 :KJCI:kjci.c@1089:kjci_initreq():4466:40278: request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823033) with group (type|id)=(1|1), opcode=146, flags=0x0, msglen=56, where=[kqlmClusterMessage] to target instances=
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.785 :KJCI:kjci.c@1091:kjci_initreq():4466:40278:    1 2
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.785 :KJCI:kjci.c@1618:kjci_processcrq():4466:40278: processing reply 0x2cff2d4e8 for request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823033) with opcode=146 from callee (inst|pid|psn)=(1|36|1)
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.785 :KJCI:kjci.c@1618:kjci_processcrq():4466:40278: processing reply 0x2cff2d718 for request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823033) with opcode=146 from callee (inst|pid|psn)=(2|36|1)
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.785 :KJCI:kjci.c@1957:kjci_complete():4466:40278: freeing request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823033) with opcode=146 and completion status [DONE]
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.785 :KJCI:kjci.c@1089:kjci_initreq():4466:40278: request 0x20fd651e8 (inst|inc|reqid)=(1|88|823034) with group (type|id)=(1|1), opcode=146, flags=0x0, msglen=56, where=[kqlmClusterMessage] to target instances=
IRMSDB(4):3247498417:2021-07-12 20:33:42.785 :KJCI:kjci.c@1091:kjci_initreq():4466:40278:    1 2

KJCJ  ==> (kjci)_processcrq – kernel lock management communication cross instance call

跨节点的通信,MOS中不存在已知BUG, 那先分析网络问题,也可以从进程blocker 如做SSD或查看hangmgr Trace. Oracle 19c CRS中AHF框架自带了OSW。

OSW netstat data

zzz ***Tue Jul 13 00:59:51 CST 2021
IpInReceives                    1456201695         0.0
IpInHdrErrors                   0                  0.0
IpInAddrErrors                  0                  0.0
IpForwDatagrams                 0                  0.0
IpInUnknownProtos               0                  0.0
IpInDiscards                    0                  0.0
IpInDelivers                    1085210966         0.0
IpOutRequests                   1007206469         0.0
IpOutDiscards                   5280               0.0
IpOutNoRoutes                   8                  0.0
IpReasmTimeout                  6333500            0.0
IpReasmReqds                    408470736          0.0
IpReasmOKs                      37504539           0.0
IpReasmFails                    8651478            0.0
IpFragOKs                       29029579           0.0

当前存在较高的ip 重组失败包,这是一个累计值,下面可以查看日常变化。


 awk '/zzz/{d=$3"/"$4" "$5}/IpReasmFails/{curr=$2;diff=curr-prev;if(diff>5)print d,diff,prev,curr;prev=curr}' *.dat
Jul/13 00:00:16 8620039  8620039
Jul/13 00:00:46 185 8620039 8620224
Jul/13 00:01:16 242 8620224 8620466
Jul/13 00:01:46 324 8620466 8620790
Jul/13 00:02:16 279 8620790 8621069
Jul/13 00:02:46 325 8621069 8621394
Jul/13 00:03:16 325 8621394 8621719
Jul/13 00:03:46 247 8621719 8621966
Jul/13 00:04:16 246 8621966 8622212
Jul/13 00:04:46 210 8622212 8622422
Jul/13 00:05:16 327 8622422 8622749
Jul/13 00:05:46 247 8622749 8622996
Jul/13 00:06:16 238 8622996 8623234
Jul/13 00:06:46 219 8623234 8623453
Jul/13 00:07:16 262 8623453 8623715
Jul/13 00:07:46 254 8623715 8623969
Jul/13 00:08:16 179 8623969 8624148
Jul/13 00:08:46 294 8624148 8624442


使用ping 验证
— on node1

ping -s 4000 {node2-privateIP}


这里忘了保留历史输出,是发现有12% package loss,说明当前和心跳网络并不健康,不过是使用的2个网卡的做BOND,当前是Active-Backup主备模式,可以尝试切换另一个网卡。


cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0
检查 当前主卡是ens9f0,切换到备卡ens9f1
ifenslave -c bond0 ens9f1

做了主备网卡切换后,ping 正常,IP重组失败消失,DLM cross inst call completion未在出现,DG同步正常,问题得到解决。


— 20240529 update —

19.9 之前


Large Waits for ‘rdbms ipc message'<=’DLM cross inst call completion'<=’enq: KI – contention’ and SMON/CKPT waiting on ‘rdbms ipc message'<=’reliable message’ (Doc ID 2866866.1)

Fast object checkpointing is a mechanism intended to improve performance of direct path reads on data objects. A direct path read can only occur when there are no dirty buffers associated with the data block in memory – otherwise it would be data-inconsistent, or not actually a direct read. Therefore a fast object checkpoint will attempt to checkpoint all changes on an object-by-object basis rather than sequentially through SCN. This is to cut down on unnecessary duplicated writes to disk of buffer changes in the event of direct reads occurring. When RAC is involved, this has to be done on all nodes, and the wait ‘DLM cross inst call completion’ is seen under the ‘enq: KI – contention’ enqueue.  Setting the hidden parameter “_db_fast_obj_ckpt” to false had disabled this feature.

原因 Customer had “_db_fast_obj_ckpt” set to the value ‘false’.


‘DLM cross inst call completion’ event is not common, today and in the past. However, it’s easy to generate, even in a single instance machine: halt the CKPT or DBW process(es) and execute alter system checkpoint (which is a global checkpoint).

