首页 » ORACLE 9i-23ai » Troubleshooting ORA-01640: can not make tablespace read-only

Troubleshooting ORA-01640: can not make tablespace read-only

近期客户环境中有友商在测试XTTS时遇到了在把表空间修改为read only只读时遇到的ora-1640错误,说明与此表空间相关存在事务未结束,最终确认最在一个PREPARED状态的分布式事务,下面来分析一下这个案例。

SQL> select status from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name='TBSANBOB';

SQL> alter tablespace TBSANBOB read only;
alter tablespace TBSANBOB read only
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01640: cannot make tablespace read-only with changes by in-doubt transactions


SQL> select ses_addr,start_scnb,status,start_time from v$transaction;

---------------- ---------- ---------------- --------------------
C0000017316AE768 1882952280 ACTIVE           04/15/20 10:13:25
C0000017212FE2E8 1884248324 ACTIVE           04/15/20 10:13:27
C000001731681C18 1884248831 ACTIVE           04/15/20 10:13:27
C0000017117BE1F0 1884245699 ACTIVE           04/15/20 10:13:25
C0000017511AF1B0 1882827786 ACTIVE           04/15/20 10:12:15
C0000017212FE2E8 1884249448 ACTIVE           04/15/20 10:13:27
-- 都是当前的事务

SQL> r
  1* select ktuxeusn,ktuxeslt,ktuxesqn,ktuxesta,ktuxecfl,ktuxerdbf,ktuxerdbb,ktuxescnw*power(2,32)+ktuxescnb scsn from x$ktuxe where ktuxesta!='INACTIVE'

       KTUXEUSN        KTUXESLT        KTUXESQN KTUXESTA         KTUXECFL                       KTUXERDBF       KTUXERDBB            SCSN
--------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------------ --------------- --------------- ---------------
            365              24         1083834 ACTIVE           NONE                                 219          441223  16692133545775
            385              19         1122895 ACTIVE           NONE                                 127          261485  16692133543395
            390              29         2247829 ACTIVE           NONE                                 164          207482  16692133545296
            392              30         3884244 ACTIVE           NONE                                 157          182080  16692133545691
           1292              32           32481 ACTIVE           NONE                                 169           25685  16692128674876
           1432              23         7814970 PREPARED         SCO|COL|REV|DEAD|EXTDTX              161          173121  16141570354765
           1463              26         6047143 PREPARED         SCO|COL|REV|DEAD|EXTDTX              165          353377  16158248618817
           1465              22         8679947 PREPARED         SCO|COL|REV|DEAD|EXTDTX              168          348144  16158248644802

--有几个相差很大的SCN事务,状态是PREPARED, “SCO|COL|REV|DEAD|EXTDTX”死分布式事务

SQL> select * from dba_2pc_pending;
no rows selected

SQL> select * from pending_trans$;
no rows selected

SQL> select thread#,FIRST_TIME,NEXT_TIME from v$archived_log where 16141570354765 between FIRST_CHANGE# and NEXT_CHANGE#;
no rows selected
-- 太久了,当前的控制文件中已经无该SCN对应的时间段

SQL> select  un.name,inst#,un.status$,ktuxeusn,ktuxeslt,ktuxesqn,ktuxecfl from x$ktuxe tx,undo$ un where tx.ktuxeusn=un.us# and KTUXESTA='PREPARED';

NAME                                     INST#         STATUS$        KTUXEUSN        KTUXESLT        KTUXESQN KTUXECFL
------------------------------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------------------------
_SYSSMU1432_1294752375$                      1               3            1432              23         7814970 SCO|COL|REV|DEAD|EXTDTX
_SYSSMU1463_478342203$                       1               3            1463              26         6047143 SCO|COL|REV|DEAD|EXTDTX
_SYSSMU1465_3879793806$                      1               3            1465              22         8679947 SCO|COL|REV|DEAD|EXTDTX

SQL> alter system dump undo block "_SYSSMU1432_1294752375$" xid 1432 23 7814970;
System altered.

-- trace file

  index  state cflags  wrap#    uel         scn            dba            parent-xid    nub     stmt_num    cmt
   0x00    9    0x00  0x778da1  0x000d  0x0f20.76aff895  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578759042
   0x01    9    0x00  0x7788f0  0x000b  0x0f20.372d1827  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578629437
   0x02    9    0x00  0x7780bf  0x0003  0x0f1f.d63f039c  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578413429
   0x03    9    0x00  0x77869e  0x0016  0x0f1f.e6428916  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578456630
   0x04    9    0x00  0x778ead  0x000c  0x0f20.e0d94272  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1579018252
   0x05    9    0x00  0x77832c  0xffff  0x0f21.3400681a  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1579177888
   0x06    9    0x00  0x778bbb  0x0008  0x0f21.3041efb0  0x2842a464  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000009   0x00000000  1579174307
   0x07    9    0x00  0x77896a  0x0005  0x0f21.32d4bd17  0x2842a466  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1579176644
   0x08    9    0x00  0x7783d9  0x0007  0x0f21.304a7e67  0x2842a466  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000  1579174338
   0x09    9    0x00  0x772168  0x0001  0x0f20.2113e173  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578586235
   0x0a    9    0x00  0x7778a7  0x001e  0x0f21.08e75ed5  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1579104656
   0x0b    9    0x00  0x7791c6  0x0014  0x0f20.4bad4025  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578672639
   0x0c    9    0x00  0x778395  0x000a  0x0f20.f48d655b  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1579061454
   0x0d    9    0x00  0x777b94  0x0015  0x0f20.8895e09d  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578802244
   0x0e    9    0x00  0x7789c3  0x0011  0x0f21.3041ef6d  0x2842a460  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000003   0x00000000  1579174307
   0x0f    9    0x00  0x778102  0x0020  0x0f20.ad3034c5  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578888647
   0x10    9    0x00  0x778c01  0x0006  0x0f21.3041ef9b  0x2842a466  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000003   0x00000000  1579174307
   0x11    9    0x00  0x7777f0  0x0010  0x0f21.3041ef8e  0x2842a463  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000003   0x00000000  1579174307
   0x12    9    0x00  0x77827f  0x000e  0x0f21.3041ef67  0x2842a45d  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000003   0x00000000  1579174307
   0x13    9    0x00  0x77859e  0x0002  0x0f1f.c46b7edb  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578370226
   0x14    9    0x00  0x77855d  0x0000  0x0f20.63db4a3b  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578715840
   0x15    9    0x00  0x77825c  0x000f  0x0f20.9b4f8205  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578845445
   0x16    9    0x00  0x77898b  0x001a  0x0f1f.f85d787c  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578499832
   0x17    2    0xb7  0x773f3a  0x0002  0x0eae.40912e4d  0x2842a441  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x2842a441  0               
   0x18    9    0x00  0x778799  0x0021  0x0f21.3041ef45  0x2842a451  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000003   0x00000000  1579174307
   0x19    9    0x00  0x778a78  0x001b  0x0f21.3041ef58  0x2842a457  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000003   0x00000000  1579174307
   0x1a    9    0x00  0x777fe7  0x0009  0x0f20.0a7f57c1  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578543033
   0x1b    9    0x00  0x778876  0x0012  0x0f21.3041ef61  0x2842a45a  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000003   0x00000000  1579174307
   0x1c    9    0x00  0x778365  0x0018  0x0f21.3041ef3d  0x2842a44e  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000003   0x00000000  1579174307
   0x1d    9    0x00  0x778d94  0x0004  0x0f20.ce6b7484  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578975051
   0x1e    9    0x00  0x7768b3  0x001c  0x0f21.20c7c4eb  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1579147858
   0x1f    9    0x00  0x778522  0x0013  0x0f1f.b43cc365  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578327025
   0x20    9    0x00  0x777bb1  0x001d  0x0f20.be1c5448  0x00000000  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000  1578931849
   0x21    9    0x00  0x773830  0x0019  0x0f21.3041ef4f  0x2842a454  0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000003   0x00000000  1579174307

# state
State 9 means the transaction is invactive. 10 means active transaction. 2 means prepare transaction.

# slot 0x17 = xid 23
SQL> @dec 23
                                DEC                  HEX
----------------------------------- --------------------
                          23.000000                   17

# undo block adress 0x2842a441 , to convert undo file and block,dump undo block

* Rec #0x3  slt: 0x17  objn: 20900(0x000051a4)  objd: 65237  tblspc: 34(0x00000022)
*       Layer:  11 (Row)   opc: 1   rci 0x00
Undo type:  Regular undo    Begin trans    Last buffer split:  No
Temp Object:  No
Tablespace Undo:  No
rdba: 0x00000000Ext idx: 6
flg2: 1
uba: 0x2842a441.df12.01 ctl max scn: 0x0eae.3f816f42 prv tx scn: 0x0eae.3f94ad28
txn start scn: scn: 0x0eae.40912e37 logon user: 32
 prev brb: 675456054 prev bcl: 0
Global transid:  fmt: 0x00000028 len: 44 gtrid: 716d797933313630310000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a9d206006707f55b1db00a00
proxy_id: 0x0598.017.00773f3a
KDO undo record:
KTB Redo
op: 0x03  ver: 0x01
compat bit: 4 (post-11) padding: 1
op: Z
KDO Op code: URP row dependencies Disabled
  xtype: XA flags: 0x00000000  bdba: 0x5db44e2b  hdba: 0x2c0a2212
itli: 11  ispac: 0  maxfr: 4858
tabn: 0 slot: 2(0x2) flag: 0x2c lock: 0 ckix: 0
ncol: 13 nnew: 1 size: 6
col  2: [12]  55 4e 43 48 45 43 4b 5f 48 41 4c 4c

+++++++++++ Next block not in extent map - rollback segment has been shrunk.
+ WARNING + Block dba (file#, block#): 0,0x00000000

SQL> select utl_raw.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2('554e434845434b5f48414c4c') V from dual;


-- 以其中一个为例
SQL> rollback force '1432.23.7814970';
rollback force '1432.23.7814970'
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02058: no prepared transaction found with ID 1432.23.7814970

SQL> exec dbms_transaction.PURGE_LOST_DB_ENTRY('1432.23.7814970');
BEGIN dbms_transaction.PURGE_LOST_DB_ENTRY('1432.23.7814970'); END;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01453: SET TRANSACTION must be first statement of transaction
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_TRANSACTION", line 65
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_TRANSACTION", line 87
ORA-06512: at line 1

SQL>  alter system  disable distributed recovery;

System altered.

QL> insert into pending_trans$(local_tran_id,global_tran_fmt,global_oracle_id,state,status,session_vector,reco_vector,type#,fail_time,reco_time)values('1432.23.7814970',306206,'','prepared','P',hextoraw('00000001'),hextoraw('00000000'),0,sysdate,sysdate);
1 row created.

SQL> insert into pending_sessions$ values('1432.23.7814970',1,hextoraw('05004F003A1500000104'),'C',0,30258592,'',146);
1 row created.

-- if pending_trans$.global_oracle_id is null
SQL> commit force '1432.23.7814970';
commit force '1432.23.7814970'
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [18124], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

SQL> delete pending_trans$;
1 row deleted.

SQL> insert into pending_trans$(local_tran_id,global_tran_fmt,global_oracle_id,state,status,session_vector,reco_vector,type#,fail_time,reco_time)values('1432.23.7814970',306206,'xxxxx.12345.1.2.3','prepared','P',hextoraw('00000001'),hextoraw('00000000'),0,sysdate,sysdate);
1 row created.

SQL> commit;
SQL> rollback force '1432.23.7814970';
Rollback complete.

-- repeat  above 

SQL> delete pending_trans$;   ---NOTE: where local_tran_id
3 rows deleted.

SQL> delete pending_sessions$;   ---NOTE: where local_tran_id
3 rows deleted.

SQL> commit;
Commit complete.

SQL> alter tablespace TBSANBOB read only;
Tablespace altered.

