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Oracle 如何指定作业(dbms_job, dbms_scheduler) 在指定的实例运行

在RAC环境有时需要指定JOB 只运行在某个节点,如DBMS_schduler job调用OS shell的情况等对本地节点有依赖时,这里只是简单的记录一下方法

1, dbms_job

2,  dbms_scheduler


instance_id Valid only in an Oracle Real Application Clusters environment. Indicates the instance on which the job is to be run.

You could set instance ID to where job have to run using, 11g and above

  dbms_scheduler.set_attribute(name => '<job_owner>.<job_name>' ,attribute=>'INSTANCE_ID', value=><instance_id> );

replace symbolic names in <> by your real values.

When no instance_id is set then RAC load balance choose on node to run the job.


Doc for 10g say about instance_stickiness this:


instance_stickiness This attribute should only be used for a database running in RAC mode. By default, it is set to TRUE. If you set instance_stickiness to TRUE, jobs start running on the instance with the lightest load and the Scheduler thereafter attempts to run on the instance that it last ran on. If that instance is either down or so overloaded that it will not start new jobs for a significant period of time, another instance will run the job. If the interval between runs is large, instance_stickiness will be ignored an the job will be handled as if it were a non-sticky job.If instance_stickiness is set to FALSE, each instance of the job runs on the first instance available.

For non-RAC environments, this attribute is not useful because there is only one instance.

So check you job repeat_interval.


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