首页 » ORACLE 9i-23ai » types of undo segments(undo段类型)

types of undo segments(undo段类型)

从9i开始系统已经用undo替换掉了以前版本中的rollback,两种名称的意义是相同的,虽然现在改成了undo 不过,在数据字典查询中依然是去dba_rollback_segs中去查询;

     1,system 回滚段,   它是系统本身自己用的回滚段,保留在system tablespace 表空间中

    2,non-system回滚段   非系统的回滚段同时又分为两种情况
                         a) auto mode     是保留在系统参数中指定的 UNDO tablespace表空间中。
                         b) manul mode  又分为两类
                                          — private    single instance
                                          — public    RAC any instance

    3,deferrd    与system 回滚段一样也不需要人为的干涉,用于在把tablespace offline 到非normal,及immediate、temproray、for recovery时,再把tablespace online时

与undo 设置相关的参数

undo_managment =  auto|manul
undo_tablespace = xxx
当配置为自动管理时,有且只能激活一个UNDO TABLESPACE;
undo_supperess_errors = true|false    ———9i中的参数,在10已不存在
当在自动管理的mode下,手动建立rollback segment时,是否忽略这个错误操作



  1. Fake Prada Sunglasses | #1
    2011-09-18 at 12:07

    I really liked the article, and the very cool blog

  2. Fake Prada Sunglasses | #2
    2011-09-17 at 11:12

    Searching for this for some time now 鈥?i guess luck is more advanced than search engines

  3. Geralyn | #3
    2011-06-23 at 07:21

    Holy Toledo, so glad I ciclked on this site first!

  4. Jhett | #4
    2011-06-22 at 13:31

    TYVM you’ve svoled all my problems

  5. dbaboy | #5
    2011-04-01 at 15:09


    • Eve | #6
      2011-06-22 at 13:52

      Very true! Makes a change to see somneoe spell it out like that. 🙂

    • Neveah | #7
      2011-06-23 at 09:12

      TYVM you’ve solved all my plrobems