首页 » ORACLE 9i-23ai » Troubleshoot ORA-27544,ORA-27300,ORA-27301,ORA-27302,”HPUX-ia64 Error: 23: File table overflow” issue

Troubleshoot ORA-27544,ORA-27300,ORA-27301,ORA-27302,”HPUX-ia64 Error: 23: File table overflow” issue

A product database is 10205 2nodes rac ,our OS is HP-UNIX 11.31,There was a time unable establish new connections, then I check alert log found ORA-27544,ORA-27300,ORA-27301,ORA-27302,”HPUX-ia64 Error: 23: File table overflow” error. The problem seems to be OS related.

#alert log

Sun Nov 30 15:47:16 EAT 2014
Global Enqueue Services Deadlock detected. More info in file

Sun Nov 30 16:35:55 EAT 2014
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 61987 (LGWR switch)
Current log# 14 seq# 61987 mem# 0: /dev/vg_anbob13/rvgcrm13_8_039
Sun Nov 30 16:47:05 EAT 2014
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 61988 (LGWR switch)
Current log# 1 seq# 61988 mem# 0: /dev/vg_anbob01/rvgcrm01_redo01
Sun Nov 30 08:57:51 UTC 2014
Errors in file /opt/oracle/app/admin/xxxdb/udump/xxxdb1_ora_20033.trc:
ORA-00603: ORACLE 服务器会话因致命错误而终止
ORA-27544: 不支持内存映射通信
ORA-27300: 操作系统系统相关操作: socket 失败, 状态为: 23
ORA-27301: 操作系统故障消息: File table overflow
ORA-27302: 错误发生在: sskgxpcre1
Sun Nov 30 08:57:54 UTC 2014
Errors in file /opt/oracle/app/admin/xxxdb/udump/xxxdb1_ora_20235.trc:
ORA-00603: ORACLE 服务器会话因致命错误而终止
ORA-01116: 打开数据库文件 521 时出错
ORA-01110: 数据文件 521: '/dev/vg_anbob04/rvgcrm04_8_173'
ORA-27041: 无法打开文件
HPUX-ia64 Error: 23: File table overflow
Additional information: 3
ORA-01116: 打开数据库文件 504 时出错
ORA-01110: 数据文件 504: '/dev/vg_anbob03/rvgcrm03_8_021'
ORA-27041: 无法打开文件
HPUX-ia64 Error: 23: File table overflow

# os log

$ vi /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log

Nov 30 16:40:02 anbobdba su: - tty?? dsg-dsg
Nov 30 16:40:02 anbobdba su: - tty?? dsg-dsg
Nov 30 16:40:02 anbobdba above message repeats 2 times
Nov 30 16:45:01 anbobdba telnetd[21220]: getpid: peer died: Error 0
Nov 30 16:50:01 anbobdba telnetd[4104]: getpid: peer died: Error 0
Nov 30 16:50:02 anbobdba su: - tty?? dsg-dsg
Nov 30 16:50:02 anbobdba su: - tty?? dsg-dsg
Nov 30 16:50:02 anbobdba above message repeats 2 times
Nov 30 16:55:01 anbobdba telnetd[15605]: getpid: peer died: Error 0
Nov 30 16:57:51 anbobdba vmunix: file: table is full
Nov 30 16:57:51 anbobdba vmunix: ffiillee:: ttaabbllee iiss ffuullll
Nov 30 16:57:51 anbobdba vmunix:
Nov 30 16:57:51 anbobdba vmunix: ffiillee:: ttaabbllee iiss ffuullll
Nov 30 16:57:51 anbobdba vmunix:
Nov 30 16:57:51 anbobdba vmunix: file: table is full
Nov 30 16:57:53 anbobdba above message repeats 1900 times
Nov 30 16:57:54 anbobdba vmunix: file: table is full
Nov 30 16:57:54 anbobdba vmunix: file: table is full
Nov 30 16:57:54 anbobdba above message repeats 4984 times
Nov 30 16:57:54 anbobdba vmunix: file: table is full
Nov 30 16:57:54 anbobdba vmunix: ffiillee:: ttaabbllee iiss ffuullll
Nov 30 16:57:54 anbobdba vmunix:
Nov 30 16:57:54 anbobdba vmunix: file: table is full
Nov 30 16:57:54 anbobdba above message repeats 1174 times
Nov 30 16:57:54 anbobdba vmunix: file: table is full
Nov 30 16:57:55 anbobdba vmunix: file: table is full

# user limit

oracle#ulimit -a
time(seconds) unlimited
file(blocks) unlimited
data(kbytes) 2097152
stack(kbytes) 204800
memory(kbytes) unlimited
coredump(blocks) 4194303
nofiles(descriptors) 4096
[oracle@anbobdba:/opt/oracle/app/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log]#/usr/sbin/kcweb -F
                                                   Kernel Configuration->Tunables (All)
Tunable                      Tuning      Current       Next Boot     Default      Usage     Module
                             Capability  Value         Value         Value
=================================================================================================================================SCROLL /\
fcd_disable_mgmt_lun         Dynamic     0             0             0            -         fcd  
fclp_ifc_disable_mgmt_lun    Dynamic     0             0             0            -         fclp 
filecache_max                Auto        15656274165   Automatic     97851711488  99.4%     fs_bufcache
filecache_min                Auto        9785167872    -             9785167872   -         fs_bufcache
fr_rulecache                 Dynamic     0             0             0            -         ipf
fr_statemax                  Dynamic     800000        800000        800000       -         ipf
fr_tcpidletimeout            Dynamic     86400         86400         86400        -         ipf
fs_async                     Static      0             0             0            -         fs     
fs_symlinks                  Dynamic     20            20            20           -         fs     
ftable_hash_locks            Static      64            64            64           -         fs_filedscrp  
gvid_no_claim_dev            Dynamic     0             0             0            -         gvid_core     
hires_timeout_enable         Dynamic     0             0             0            -         pm_callout    
hp_hfs_mtra_enabled          Static      1             1             1            -         ufs
intr_strobe_ics_pct          Dynamic     80            80            80           -         svc
io_ports_hash_locks          Static      64            64            64           -         io  
ipf_icmp6_passthru           Dynamic     0             0             0            -         ipf 
ipl_buffer_sz                Dynamic     8192          8192          8192         -         ipf 
ipl_logall                   Dynamic     0             0             0            -         ipf 
ipl_suppress                 Dynamic     1             1             1            -         ipf 
ipmi_watchdog_action         Dynamic     0             0             0            -         ipmi
kmem_aggressive_caching      Dynamic     0             0             0            -         vm_kmem
ksi_alloc_max                Dynamic     33600         33600         33600        -         pm_sig           
ksi_send_max                 Static      32            32            32           -         pm_sig           
lcpu_attr                    Auto        0             0             0            -         pm_sched         
lotsfree_pct                 Dynamic     0             0             0            -         vm
max_acct_file_size           Dynamic     2560000       2560000       2560000      -         pm_acct   
max_async_ports              Dynamic     4096          4096          4096         -         asyncdsk  
max_mem_window               Dynamic     0             0             0            -         vm
max_thread_proc              Dynamic     2048          2048          256          12.5%     pm_proc
maxdsiz                      Dynamic     2147483648    2147483648    1073741824   66.2%     vm
maxdsiz_64bit                Dynamic     17179869184   17179869184   4294967296   1.8%      vm
maxfiles                     Static      4096          10240         2048         -         fs
maxfiles_lim                 Dynamic     10240         10240         4096         16.4%     fs
maxrsessiz                   Static      8388608       8388608       8388608      -         vm
maxrsessiz_64bit             Static      8388608       8388608       8388608      -         vm
maxssiz                      Dynamic     209715200     209715200     8388608      0.5%      vm
maxssiz_64bit                Dynamic     1073741824    1073741824    268435456    0.1%      vm
maxtsiz                      Dynamic     100663296     100663296     100663296    35.6%     vm
maxtsiz_64bit                Dynamic     1073741824    1073741824    1073741824   20.3%     vm
maxuprc                      Dynamic     20000         20000         256          4.2%      pm_proc
mca_recovery_on              Auto        1             -             1            -         shutdown
mpas_readonly_text           Dynamic     0             0             0            -         vm
mprotect_reduce_protid_on    Dynamic     0             0             0            -         vm
msgmbs                       Dynamic     8             8             8            -         pm_usync
msgmnb                       Dynamic     16384         16384         16384        -         pm_usync
msgmni                       Dynamic     4096          4096          512          0.1%      pm_usync
msgtql                       Dynamic     4096          4096          1024         0.0%      pm_usync
ncdnode                      Static      150           150           150          -         cdfs

$glance H f

 Glance C.04.70.001             09:44:59 anbobdba     ia64                                                              Current  Avg  High
Cpu  Util   S               SN   NRU                                                                             U       | 95%   93%   95%
Disk Util   F                                                                                                          F |100%  100%  100%
Mem  Util   S                   SU                                                     U                                 | 78%   78%   78%
Networkil   U                                                  UR                    R                                   | 68%   68%   68%
                                                           SYSTEM TABLES REPORT                                               Users=    9

System Table                 Available        Used      Utilization      High(%)
Proc Table (nproc)              42975         2993            7            7
File Table (nfile)             650480       597066           92           92
Shared Mem Table (shmmni)         512           12            2            2
Message Table (msgmni)           4096            6            0            0
Semaphore Table (semmni)         4096           33            1            1
File Locks (nflocks)            36000         3356            9            9
Pseudo Terminals (npty)            60            0            0            0
Buffer Headers (nbuf)              na         2560           na           na


#kctune -v nfile

nfile:Maximum number of files of all process open in operation systems
maxfiles_lim:Maximum number of files can be opened in a single process
nproc: Number of process systems can run concurrently


Increase the nfile parameter will effect of OS memory usage ,This value is typically the maximum number should be larger than the peak load 10-25%,Open the file user limit the Kernel parameters maxfiles . This is controlled by the value of a hard limit parameter maxfiles_lim, default limit is 2048 .see more can use “man nfile”(maxfiels_lim,nproc)

On 32-bit systems – Each entry nfile allocate 56 bytes.
On 64-bit systems – Each entry nfile allocate 88 bytes.

Also as per Oracle documentation, i have configured kernel parameters as below,

Oracle Recommended Kernel Parameter settings for HP Itanium v3 11.31

Modify the HP-UX kernel parameters to values like those shown below (suggested guidelines). Use the HP-UX System Administration Manager (SAM) tool to make these changes.

nproc                       4096 - 4096
ksi_alloc_max              32768 - (NPROC*8)
max_thread_proc             4096 - 4096
maxdsiz               0x90000000 - 0X90000000
maxdsiz_64bit         2147483648 - 2147483648
maxfiles                    4000 - 4000
maxssiz                401604608 - 401604608
maxssiz_64bit         1073741824 - 1073741824
maxtsiz               0x40000000 - 0X40000000
msgmap                      4098 - (NPROC+2)
msgmni                      4096 - (NPROC)
msgtql                      4096 - (NPROC)
ncsize                     35840 - (8*NPROC+2048+VX_NCSIZE)
nfile                      67584 - (16*NPROC+2048)
ninode                     34816 - (8*NPROC+2048)
nkthread                    7184 - (((NPROC*7)/4)+16)
nproc                       4096 - 4096
nsysmap                     8192 - ((NPROC)>800?2*(NPROC):800)
nsysmap64                   8192 - ((NPROC)>800?2*(NPROC):800)
semmni                      1024 - 1024
semmns                     16384 - ((NPROC*2)*2)
semmnu                      2048 - 2048
semume                       256 - 256
shmmax                0x40000000 Y 0X40000000
shmmni                      1024 - 1024
shmseg                      1024 Y 1024
vps_ceiling                    64 - 64

BTW.Another argument if you monitory can be set remind threshold=oracle.process*oracle.datafiles+2048,Limit=nproc*oracle.datafiles.

NAME                                                                       VALUE UNIT
---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------
aggregate PGA target parameter                                       42949672960 bytes
aggregate PGA auto target                                            36763075584 bytes
global memory bound                                                   1073741824 bytes
total PGA inuse                                                       2100608000 bytes
total PGA allocated                                                   2831215616 bytes
maximum PGA allocated                                                10462026752 bytes
total freeable PGA memory                                              400359424 bytes
process count                                                                831
max processes count                                                         2999
PGA memory freed back to OS                                       15560814297088 bytes
total PGA used for auto workareas                                              0 bytes
maximum PGA used for auto workareas                                   4534104064 bytes
total PGA used for manual workareas                                            0 bytes
maximum PGA used for manual workareas                                   17006592 bytes
over allocation count                                                          0
bytes processed                                                   42472610850816 bytes
extra bytes read/written                                            494029733888 bytes
cache hit percentage                                                       98.85 percent
recompute count (total)                                                  2282871

SQL> show parameter process

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
aq_tm_processes                      integer     0
db_writer_processes                  integer     6
gcs_server_processes                 integer     12
job_queue_processes                  integer     10
log_archive_max_processes            integer     2
processes                            integer     3000

Use the “lsof” command to find what is using the file descriptiors on the system.

lsof -g | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u > /tmp/lsof_sort.txt 
lsof -g | awk '{print $2}' > /tmp/lsof.txt 

for var in `cat /tmp/lsof_sort.txt` 
echo `echo "$var ---- "``grep -x $var /tmp/lsof.txt | wc -l` 

This will list all the processes and the corresponding number of files opened by them. You can pick the processes which have the most number of files open and see what are they.
Use the scripts provided by HP engineers:

glance -adviser_only -syntax /tmp/proc_num_files -iterations 1

or use SAR -v check.

Other useful command can be "fuser".


Error 23> File table overflow. The system’s table of open files is full,and temporarily no more open()s can be accepted
Increase the value of the kernel parameter “maxusers”, as it influences the default value of “nfile”. If this does not solve the problem, you could
increase “nfile” independently.

This is about kernel parameters in general –


To modify kernel parameters (from HP docs) :

as root
#kctune nfile=xxxx


*Enter the SAM command to start the System Administration Manager (SAM)
Double-click the Kernel Configuration icon.
Double-click the Configurable Parameters icon.
Double-click the parameter that you want to change and type the new value in the
Formula/Value field. Click OK.
Repeat these steps for all of the kernel configuration parameters that you want to change.
When you are finished setting all of the kernel configuration parameters,
select Action --> Process New Kernel from the action menu bar.

The HP-UX operating system automatically restarts after you change the values for the kernel configuration parameters.


