Add ORACLE Listener Fail or ORA-125XX, Don’t forget “Run as Administrator”(以管理员身份运行) on windows7/8
Add ORACLE Listener Fail, Don’t forget “Run as Administrator” on windows7/8
Today A friend find me to help her to solve a listener issue. “Run as Administrator” is What a troublesome thing on win8
She had with installation of Oracle 11R2 on Windows 8 (64-bit). The issues I faced The errors can’t connect database using Listener Service, and not able add new listener.
1,lsnrctl status
Show listener has started but no monitor database services, check the database state
2, select open_mode from v$database;
show parameter local_listener
DB is open read write mode. because the DB no-RAC and listener in 1521 port ,so try to reset local_listener parameter had modified value ‘loc_listener’.
3,Try to register DB service in Listener.
alter system register;
lsnrctl status
Show it is still not listening to the DB service
4, the following change listener listens for static and restart listener
#append listener.ora SID_LIST_LISTENER node like this
(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1)
(SID_NAME = anbob)
Static listeners still no work for DB service, and I can not connect the DB using listener service , then I consider to delete the listener and re-create.
5,try to delete this service using oracle netca
cmd -> netca
open “Net Configuration Assistant” but not found Listener exists(but later I try to add new listener using “Listener”name get error “ServiceAliasException: Could not save Service Alias: TNS-04406: Object already exists”)
6,try to delete this service manually using WINDOWS “SC” tool.
sc stop “OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener”
— done.
sc delete OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener
delete fail. error is following
[SC] OpenSCManager 失败 5: 拒绝访问。
start regedt32. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CURRENTCONTROLSET/SERVICES/ Find the Service you want to remove and delete it.
try again delete using SC, but delete fail still.
7, Delete current listener fail. I try to add a new listener, use the new listener name and port
netca –> add –> LISTENER_ANBOB AND 1523 port — finish.
listener.ora file had append the new listener info, but not show in WINDOWS service list. and not able connect DB using the new listener.
Let us stop and rethink about 6 # error message “拒绝访问”,It should be a permissions issue. though the current user(“WZZ”) is not “administrator”, but also a member of ADMINISTRATORS group. I thought Windows OS provide a new security policy to run a program in win7 and new, It is called “Run as Administrator” .
1. Now a first attempt gave an Access Denied, but after storing the command in a Batch file and executing the batch file to “Run as Administrator” (right-click the command file and choose that option),OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener service name had removed!
#create a batch file
#file name: rm_lsnr.bat
sc delete OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener
2. Delete current listener.ora in ORACLE_HOME
del %ORACLE_HOME%\Network\admin\listener.ora
3. run netca to create listener service by Oracle
Start -> All programs -> Oracle – OraDb11g_home1 -> Configuration and Migration Tools -> Net Configuration Assistant
right-click the “Net Configuration Assistant” icon and choose “Run as Administrator”, now try to add a new listener, Listener name using LISTENER default and port is 1521. then start the listener service and login the database run “alter system register”;
lsnrctl status to verify the new listener is worked. I could login using Oracle Net 🙂 The problem appeared to be Administrative privileges.