Oracle logminer笔记(四) 19c 多租户
10多年前测试过10g的logmnr用于从redo或archivelog中分析DDL DML记录, 当做一些误操作无法flashback技术恢复或无备份时,可以尝试用来从redo log中恢复一些操作, 最近测试了一个19c多租户环境中的logmnr,在supplemental_log_data_min是N时也是可以分析DML记录,(记的之前是IOT表记录无,现在不确认),但是session machine信息是空的,简单记录,区别不大。
–环境19c rac 多租户
Note: 注意logmnr需要在ROOT$CDB中进行,记录如何恢复某个PDB中deleted 记录。
1, 确认时间范围内归档
select thread#,to_char(first_time,'yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss') ftime,name,SEQUENCE#, DELETED FROM v$archived_log where DELETED='NO' and first_time >sysdate-1 and dest_id=1;
2, 生成第一条归档日志
select 'execute dbms_logmnr.add_logfile(LOGFILENAME=>'''||name||''',options=>;'
from v$archived_log where DELETED='NO' and first_time >sysdate-1 and dest_id=1 and rownum<=1;
3, 追加归档日志
select 'execute dbms_logmnr.add_logfile(LOGFILENAME=>'''||name||''',options=>dbms_logmnr.addfile);'
from v$archived_log where DELETED='NO' and first_time >sysdate-1 and dest_id=1;
4, 本机使用在线字典
EXECUTE DBMS_LOGMNR.start_logmnr(options=>dbms_logmnr.dict_from_online_catalog);
5, 过滤表记录
create table logmnr_tmp tablespace users as
select * from v$logmnr_contents where SRC_CON_ID=4 AND table_name like 'tab%';
logmnr的记录仅对当前会话生效;注意表名大小写,有些表可能是带“号小写; 表名时使用like ,=值后可能有不可见字符;
过滤条件 PDB 使用src_con_id或src_con_name而不是con_id, owner使用seg_owner
6, 分析日志和记录数据
select min(timestamp),max(timestamp),operation,count(*) from logmnr_tmp where seg_owner='ANBOB' and table_name like 'tab%' group by operation;
7, 创建同结构表 恢复delete on xx pdb
select dbms_metadata.get_ddl( object_type, object_name, owner ) from dual; --在CDB中创建
8, 使用logmnr创建记录表中的sql_undo恢复
declare cnt number:=0; vsql varchar2(32760); begin for c in(select sql_undo from logmnr_tmp where seg_owner='ANBOB' and operation='DELETE' ) loop begin vsql:=replace(replace(c.sql_undo,'"ANBOB".',''),';',''); dbms_output.put_line(vsql); execute immediate vsql; cnt:=cnt+1; if mod(cnt,1000)=0 then commit; end if; end; end loop; commit; end;
9, 在pdb中创建到cdb的dblink
--on cdb create user c##test identified by test1234 ; grant dba to c##test ; -- on pdb create database link dl_root connect to c##test identified by test1234 using '172.***.**.**:1521/ORACLE_SID'; SQL> select count(*) from sys."tabxx"@dl_root; COUNT(*) ---------- 1394871 SQL> create table ANBOB.tabxx_restore as select * from sys."tabxx"@dl_root;
— over —