首页 » ORACLE 9i-23ai » How to add primary key on existing data of table(ORA-02437)(给已存在数据表增加主键)
How to add primary key on existing data of table(ORA-02437)(给已存在数据表增加主键)
如果一个表已存在数据(ENABLE NOVALIDATE validating existing data),想要增加一个主键不验证以前的数据,这样做是可以的,约束有几种状态
sql>conn anbob/anbob connected! sql>l 1 create or replace procedure p_createtab(name varchar2) 2 is 3 v_sql varchar2(400); 4 begin 5 v_sql := 'create table '||name||' (id int,name varchar2(30))'; 6 execute immediate v_sql; 7* end; Procedure created SQL> exec p_createtab('testcons'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. --以上纯粹是为了以后偷懒,如果你以上报错,请看我以前写的帖子 SQL>desc testcons; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- ID NUMBER(38) NAME VARCHAR2(30) SQL> select * from testcons; no rows selected SQL> insert into testcons values(1,'anbob.com'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into testcons values(2,'sesebook.com'); 1 row created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> alter table testcons add constraint pk_id primary key(id) ; Table altered. SQL> insert into testcons values(3,'sesebook.com'); 1 row created. SQL>commit; Commit complete. SQL> insert into testcons values(3,'sesebook.com'); insert into testcons values(3,'sesebook.com') * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00001: unique constraint (ANBOB.PK_ID) violated SQL> alter table testcons drop constraint pk_id; Table altered. ---有数据,如果符合验证默认填加约束是可以的 SQL> select * from user_indexes where table_name='TESTCONS'; no rows selected SQL>select * from testcons; ID NAME ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 anbob.com 2 sesebook.com 3 sesebook.com SQL>insert into testcons values(3,'sesebook.com'); 1 row created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> select * from testcons; ID NAME ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 anbob.com 2 sesebook.com 3 sesebook.com 3 sesebook.com SQL>alter table testcons add constraint pk_id primary key(id) ; alter table testcons add constraint pk_id primary key(id) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02437: cannot validate (ANBOB.PK_ID) - primary key violated SQL> alter table testcons add constraint pk_id primary key(id) enable novalidate; alter table testcons add constraint pk_id primary key(id) enable novalidate * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02437: cannot validate (ANBOB.PK_ID) - primary key violated
SQL> create index idx_testcons_id on testcons(id); Index created. SQL> alter table testcons add constraint pk_id primary key(id) enable novalidate; Table altered. SQL> select * from testcons; ID NAME ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 anbob.com 2 sesebook.com 3 sesebook.com 3 sesebook.com SQL> insert into testcons values(1,'anbob.com'); insert into testcons values(1,'anbob.com') * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00001: unique constraint (ANBOB.PK_ID) violated SQL> insert into testcons values(4,'weejar.com'); 1 row created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> select * from testcons; ID NAME ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 anbob.com 2 sesebook.com 3 sesebook.com 3 sesebook.com 4 weejar.com
— over–
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