ORACLE lksid/lk是什么文件
今天发现在$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/有多了个 lk<sid>的文件,不知道这是什么?删除后又回重建,上网查了一下
这是一个内存锁定的文件,如果数据库ummound 文件锁会自动解开,但如果异常关闭数据库文件未解开,再重启时就会报
ORA-01102: cannot mount database in EXCLUSIVE mode异常,这时需要手动删除该文件
When a database starts, one of the background processes locks the file (creating it first if necessary). An attempt to start up the database again will fail because the old background process holds the lock, preventing the new background process from getting it.
[oracle@orazhang dbs]$ ls
ab_+ASM.dat hc_+ASM.dat init+ASM.ora init.ora lk+ASM orapw+ASM reorg21.sql snapcf_orcl.f spfileorcl.ora
alert_orcl.log hc_orcl.dat initdw.ora initorcl.ora lkORCL orapworcl run_grant.sql spfile+ASM.ora