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batch change read only DB in mssql 2K
I had an issue while dropping a mssql user today, I was unable to drop the user and it failed with the user in an read_only db. I had many db in the server(more than 200),and many read-only db,so To delete an user must setting there DB to read write status.
1,setting to read write
Declare @Name varchar(100) declare @stat varchar(10) --DROP TABLE #readonly_dbs create table #readonly_dbs(dbname varchar(100)) DROP TABLE #tmp create table #tmp (oname varchar(100),value varchar(10)) Declare Cur Cursor For select NAME from dbo.sysdatabases Open Cur Fetch next From Cur Into @Name While @@fetch_status=0 Begin insert into #tmp exec sp_dboption @name, 'read only'; select @stat=value from #tmp if (@stat='ON') begin insert into #readonly_dbs values(@name); print 'OK' exec sp_dboption @name, 'read only','FALSE' delete from #tmp end; Fetch Next From Cur Into @Name End Close Cur Deallocate Cur
2,drop user
using SQL SERVER Enterprise Manager
3,setting to read only
select * from #readonly_dbs
–for example
alter database dbname set READ_ONLY with no_wait
exec sp_dboption dbname ‘read only’,’TURE’