首页 » ORACLE 9i-23ai » Script: Display the sessions distribution and top 50 idle sessions
Script: Display the sessions distribution and top 50 idle sessions
This script displays the top 50 longest idle times and list distribution of sessions on the instance
REM Copyright (C) Think anbob.com 2013-2015. All rights reserved. col sid form 99999 col serial# form 99999 col spid form a6 col program form a25 col username form a10 col osuser form a10 col idle form a30 heading "Idle" col terminal form a12 col logon_time form a18 col machine for a20 col rn for 9999 break on report compute sum of cnt on report select username,status,count(*) cnt from v$session group by username,status / select username,machine,count(*) cnt from v$session group by username,machine / ttitle - center 'displays the top 50 longest idle times' skip 2 select a.* from ( select sid,serial#,username,status, to_char(logon_time,'dd-mm-yy hh:mi:ss') logon_time , floor(last_call_et/3600)||' hours ' || floor(mod(last_call_et,3600)/60)||' mins ' || mod(mod(last_call_et,3600),60)||' secs' idle , machine ,row_number() over(order by last_call_et desc ) rn from v$session where type='USER' ) a where rn<= 50 / ttitle off